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    Action's 180w 12-12 RubberMaid Round 2

    Beautiful setup, good luck with your second run!
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    Batcave Harvest Journal

    Damn BatMaN SKuNK, what a great ride I just took through this thread! Impressive results, can taste some of those gorgeous girls through your pics and descriptions. Thanks for sharing +rep and subbed. On my first grow myself, was gifted some clones, of course which now have been cloned for run...
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    Blueberry cross from Clones - CFL grow

    Clone box finished, finally getting a chance to post, and three of the 4 looking good, been a week while three are droopy, but still have their color. Plants in main cab doing their stretch, can't wait to see them really start to bud. It will be two weeks @ 12/12 in two days. Loving this!!
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    Drying with Ozone Generator in room

    In search of drying advice. I have a stealth "closet" basement grow going, two plants flowering 4 clones hopefully rooting, kept short with LST and FIM'ing. 2 weeks into flowering but looking ahead. Kept stealth with an ozone generator in the room, but not in the closet itself. I was originally...
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    Blueberry cross from Clones - CFL grow

    Right now that is what I have to work with, making sure everything works as planned before investing in additional strains, though that is definitely in the future plans. Hope to have some more pics today, the clone box is built, clones taken and hopefully rooting themselves as we speak.
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    Kushberry in SS#4 with Dyna-Gro: Smart Pots vs. Old Fashioned Plastic

    That is what it is all about, making mistakes, learning from them and moving on! Subbed and can't wait to see the difference between the smart pots and plastic.
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    Blueberry cross from Clones - CFL grow

    Going to try and find time today to build the clone/veg box. Super Bowl Sunday seems like a good day to start off the next generation. This grow is stealth in a cool basement and temps hold perfect and steady now, not sure if that will continue as the weather warms through the spring, so need...
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    Blueberry cross from Clones - CFL grow

    This will be an abbreviated Grow Log as I was incredibly fortunate to have a friend who set me up with two of his clones. Day 1 here was Friday Jan 13th-good thing I don't believe in Friday the 13th as being unlucky as today I brought home to the grow box my two new plants. So my friend tells...
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    learning, absorbing and experimenting

    learning, absorbing and experimenting