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  1. wysong

    150 Watt HPS to 150 MH

    Thank you for the info
  2. wysong

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    All the 3 phase power requirement is for woodworking equipment in the basement VFD's are bad on RF inteference to begin with , that I've witnessed. They will be in the basement ,used very little. But I'll be having to run the RFC almost all the time as most oft he equipment is 600,480,220...
  3. wysong

    150 Watt HPS to 150 MH

    Does this hold true then I can use a standard 400 mh bulb with a magnetic HPS ballest with only reduced lamp life ,no electrical risk/concerns ? Thanks
  4. wysong

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    I have a weird situation that maybe hasn't been asked before.concerning a Digital ballast.In the same location ,although another room / floor.I'll be running a 5 HP Rotary Phase Converter RFC ,along with a few Variable Frequency Drives VFDalong with a 10 KVA 600/220 Dry 3 Phase Transformer .I...
  5. wysong

    Power Consumption / Light Cost

    this may be old , but that kind of consumption will get you noticed for sure especially now with smart meters. Even in a commercial location ,I'd think ya would get caught also from ontario
  6. wysong

    Greeting from up North

    around Ottawa is there a page that has the meanings for all this slang I'm reading
  7. wysong

    Dui checkpoints: How to proceed when the gistapo ask for your paperz

    Very interesting thread lots of opinions .Coming from up north of youfrom a different country .I know what to do up here, but wondered what to do if stopped south of the boarder. Anyone know what my rights ( as being Canadian ) would be if stopped or am I free game.
  8. wysong

    Alright Man Strangest Places You've Gotten High?

    top of the the old gondola at whistler, stuck in high winds they stopped the lift , we were the suckers bobing and swaying the most over the highest point , we were first timers ,we just got there it was our 1st run up the mountain since flying in tbere. We were so loaded with beer and...
  9. wysong

    Lumatek lk400 dial-a-watt

    I realize this is a old thread was looking at this system today , Lumatek 400. I'm just getting back into it. my old equipment , isn't gonna cut it the stuff consists of 1000 mh,400hps.both 10 years + in age. I just finished a cycle of the 400hps , it worked fine ,but thought it over kill...
  10. wysong

    Greeting from up North

    interesting forum you have here looks like I have lots to learn and this is the place . its -15 c here today ,10inches of frozen snow on the ground this layout looks the same as others well I'll stop here at that and ask questions in some of the other forums