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  1. G

    What kind of deficiency is this?!

    are you sure its nute burn? the leaves that have this purple brown thing don't start burning from the tip as normal nute burn I have seen. It's widespread all along the edges of the leaves. doesn't this rule out nute burn?
  2. G

    What kind of deficiency is this?!

    I use straight tap water, I was worried about pH because I thought it would prevent certain nutrients from being absorbed. I flushed once on accident from watering too much at one time. I'm not sure if it can be calcium deficiency because i mix in eggshells to the soil to increase calcium...
  3. G

    Silver Haze

    I think your hay smell might stick. I harvested mine around that time too but it got better after a while. Also the bud itself may smell dank when you break it up or grind it. That's what happened to mine and turned out all citrusy.
  4. G

    How do i get rid of thrips? scroll down it's there.
  5. G

    What kind of deficiency is this?!

    I started seeing these darkish purplish spots around the edges of a lot of my leaves and it's been leaving me super concerned. I don't understand how this is happening especially since i'm using MG potting soil. This is my second grow with mg and this didn't happen the first time. I was thinking...
  6. G

    Small spots on leaves

    I have them too!! I also would like to know what causes this. I attributed it to some sort of nutrient stress but idk still a newbie.
  7. G

    Does intense sunlight heat cause wilting?

    yah but i just watered them yesterday so it should have enough water...
  8. G

    Does intense sunlight heat cause wilting?

    It's strange because i put my usual outdoor plant directly in the sunlight this morning and then I check back like 30 minutes later and it started wilting. The leaves themselves were fine before and when they were wilted it seemed pretty firm still just droopy. But then when I brought them into...
  9. G

    Are these thrips? Silver looking spots on leaves. Will imidacloprid knock them out?

    i have spots like those on mine too but on the older leaves. It's only a month old but i'm not sure if it's thrips. I spotted on two thrips but i haven't seen any other ones. could it be a deficiency or stress?
  10. G

    Springtails.......Friend or Foe?????????

    I mean honestly they aren't bad for your plants at all. they're don't even really eat any plant matter. I've read around that their presence represents healthy soil; whether that's true or not I'm not sure. But they definitely won't kill your plants or harm that fat SEXY COLA. haha
  11. G

    girl stole all my ... she took it all.

    find out where she's stashing it. then call the cops on her. LAWLZ. having 12 oz. is...uh....a big felony.
  12. G

    First outdoor grow 2012

    I think you'll get a pretty decent harvest you still have a couple weeks left for veg. I just sent my plants out too. you should definitely LST them soon if you choose too.
  13. G

    how do you guys avoid pest and bug problems?

    how d you guys avoid such pest problems when growing outdoors? it's my first time growing outdoors for the summer and I'm obviously trying to avoid as many bugs as possible but one of my earlier plants got spider mites...sad... I'm in SoCal so it does get pretty arid around here and I heard its...
  14. G

    6 plants / 12-17 years in prison!!!!!??

    don't worry we all have paranoia when we grow. we get over it as time goes on and grow more. I was was paranoid as fuck my first grow. no joke..
  15. G

    this is bullshit

    just remember don't think too much about the plant growing. you can still do it! if it comes down to it use MG
  16. G

    male plant ?

    the nail on your thumb looks effed up. but no sign of sex yet.
  17. G

    1st time ever for fun and own use!

    since it's summer it's a perfect time to grow using the natural outside sun for your first time! :D I just finished my first harvest. it was small but it was a fun experience. i'm sure you'll get some good bud.
  18. G

    Og Kush wk9 flowering pics opinions

    i'd say that 2-3 weeks left is about right. From the pics it seems that even though the pistils are brown its still pretty portruded out of the bud. Once it starts curling and receding then it is also a good time to check trichs for cloudiness
  19. G

    My first crop..

    theken I used 4 x 24W cfl i went super low budget on this. I grew jack herer from bagseed and went 13/11ish and 12/12 from seed. I'd say it had about 3 or 4 weeks before it showed pistils and then flowered for about 8.5 Weeks I don't know about you but Im pretty stoked for my first harvest...
  20. G

    Why are my plants so small?

    pics or it didn't happen