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    plant uprooted its self! :s

    is it a little baby seedling?
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    How to get a thicker stem

    my girl had a thin stem as well so i got some computer fans on her, put them pretty close and only took a week for the stem to dubble in thickness
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    DWC pH help please!

    have you tested the ph of the water your using?
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    thc day to u all

    using nutes?
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    what r these critters?

    im trying that one right now, applying it tomorrow, but does anyone know if its safe to use on flowering plants, im trying to kill gnats.
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    midget plants but bushy as hell

    15x 26watt cfls lol, the plants arnt streching up because they dont have to, drop that down to something like 5 or 6 and they will grow up.
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    Homemade insecticide SCREWED my plants! HELP PLEASE!

    bad luck man, im about to experiment with nicotien pestacide.
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    nicotien pesticide

    jesus, bump, somone help out?
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    nicotien pesticide

    gday felas i read somewhere that you can use nicotien as a pesticide, i was curious what different methods there are to make it, any care to help out?
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    Not exactly a problem, just a question

    i have a few spiders on my plant that generaly keep the Fgnats under control
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    Shit Is This Fungus????

    lol wouldent a tiny bit of peroxide knock that on the head to? or do you only use that for soil?
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    Not exactly a problem, just a question

    i have the same problem ith gnats, little fuckers dont go away.
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    Widow Maker needs root pest help!!!

    what are nematodes?, do those kill Fgnats?
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    soggy leaf tips?

    that happen to the tips of my plant when they were light starved
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    My Buddy snapped my plant....

    they should put plant treatment in the grow faq, these tips are handy to know.
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    its not spider mites lol, its a spider a green one, it came from out site, its not causing the plant any problems and its eating gnats so its more then welcome, the gnats dont multiply i spend about 20 mins in there each after noon and squish most if not all of them.
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    Mites or Aphids? (Pics)

    i think thats not a good pestacide to use if your smoken ur shit, but if your not budding for awhile then you might be safe, have a read through the faq for any info you need.
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    At this rate.....I dont have forever...Pics Incld

    i agree with kid, but leave it indoors for awhile under lights 24/7
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    First leafs turning yellow (pics)

    its abit hot for the seedling, and i think that its abit low in the pot. and and she's gonna get rootbound pretty quickly in that little pot!
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    i know what a chimera is lol, but what does it have to do with my plant was more the question, i also have a spider on my plant, i dunnoe if i should kill it, i mean i took the sand off the top because it got a green mould on it because i didnt wanna start root rot or throw the ph off which...