

Active Member
assuming i wasnt trying to flower and just trying to pick up groth, ive pulled it out of the sun to controll its hours, thats what was messing it up in the first place we've had about a weekd and a half of bad weather to i put it under as many cfl's as i could find in the house,

i got the flushing thing working, im seeing water coming out the bottom of the pot now,

to dry the soil out, how would i best do that, only water/flush every few days and or put a fan aiming at the soil?

and those nute's that were being discussed -Superthrive or floralicous or Ultrabloom
should i pick one of those up?


Well-Known Member
More lights will create more heat and more drying effect. If the flushing seems to help, try to let the soil dry out a bit again, then reassess the situation. :)

What fertilizers have you got right now?


Well-Known Member
and those nute's that were being discussed -Superthrive or floralicous or Ultrabloom
should i pick one of those up?
It's a hard call, Maybe I missed it are you going to veg. some more or are you going (for the life of me I can't imagine why) to flower the little girl. If your going to veg get the SuperT. or FL+ You won't need the Ultrabloom that can wait till you go to flower. The FL+ goes for the entire grow and bloom.


Active Member
oks well i'll pick up some of the FL+ then to put on in, i have more lights that im gonna put on tonight, i'll flush it another few times, but let the soil dry out in between, now its on a 24/0 light cycle, so hopefully it picks up.

and yeh going for veg lol.


Active Member
time for update, put the new lights on and kept them on for 24 hours over the last few days,

went down and got some nutes for it as well, called "thrive" was the closest i could find at any of the local garden shops around me, so i mixed that up at half the recomended strength and have started that.

ive also run into another problem, these little pain in the ass flys have since started to move into the soil, ive got some nice close pics of them to try to identify them and find a cure for them.

the plant has started to devolop red stems again on some of the leaves, also some of the pistils have also turned an orange ish colour,

any way pics also included so have a look and let me know what you all think



Well-Known Member
If those are those gnats that so many people seem to get, I've read that a layer of sand (I would use play sand, silica sand) prevents them getting into the soil and being a problem. Hopefully the fertilizer you purchased will be the ticket, although I really think you've had more light issues than nutrient issues. You can put all the fertilizers in the world on the plants, and if they can't utilize them (via photosynthetic action) then they're useless.


Active Member
i'll get some sand this arvo for the girl then, will the sand help stop the eggs if they have been layed in the soil, they have only been there for like 2 days, and i squish all of them when i do see them (takes me like an hour)

what do you think about the red stems and pistils?

all up in light now i have 1- 30watt aquarium plant light, 2- 8watt soft warm CFL's, and 2-24watt cool white CFL's, all are energy saving.

the soil seems to be drying out pretty quick now, and its groth has picked up alot since the new lights went in, also the burning on the top leaves has completely stoped and started to reverse, but the bottom leaves seem to be still getting burn, hopefully the fert will fix this.

thanks for the help seamaiden, is there anyway i can contact you in realtime like msn or another chat?


Active Member
since i changed water and started with nutes, the leaves have started curling upwards, i started flushing again, hope that works.


Well-Known Member
Sorry Sirius, I kept passing this thread up. We can do private messages if you like, I no longer use chats for time constraints though.

If the plant is being burned by fertilizers, adding more will not help the problem. Honestly, every time I go check out my garden, I have this urge to fertilize. Then I stop myself. Each and every time I've held back and just watered the plants reward me with lots of growth. Continue to flush if you're seeing new burning. Keep the lighting close, but not too close (within inches if I recollect correctly). The colored stems on a more mature plant are said to indicate a nutrient deficiency, but you're already adding nutrients and getting the burn result. I have no idea how many strains, if any, happen to have coloring in their stems.

My own experience has shown that when the leaves curl, MY plants are objecting to too much moisture and humidity. But, they curl downwards (water shedding response, maybe?). Curling upwards... I don't remember whether or not that's a specific indicator, but I would still just use good, clean water when it's again necessary to water.

I can't remember, have I given you this link yet?
International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - The Complete guide to Sick Plants,pH, and Pest troubles!

Oh yeah... they do have the IRC chat thing. I might see about setting it up, it's been YEARS since I've used IRC, though.
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Active Member
actually i seem to think that the leaves curling up might be heat stress, the fan i had on it, i moved to put on the soil to try to blow the gnats away, since i put it back up its stoped curling, i put the sand ontop of the soil and no more gnats =P
i'll stop flushing and go back to nutes, the plant only missed 1 watering, which it got a flush in instead,

knowing what strains have colouring on the stems wouldent do me any good, i dont know what strain mine is, its bag seed and i didnt even smoke it =P


Active Member
gday girly's, im noticing on my plant that its not growing the standard leaves, some of them have only 3 points, and some of them have only 1 point like a normal leaf of a tree.


Well-Known Member
I don't remember what thread he posted the pix in. Chimera is (ancient?) Greek, it means "monster" or something like that. Google chimera. :)


Active Member
i know what a chimera is lol, but what does it have to do with my plant was more the question, i also have a spider on my plant, i dunnoe if i should kill it, i mean i took the sand off the top because it got a green mould on it because i didnt wanna start root rot or throw the ph off which means that the gnats have come back and im hoping that the spider will kill at least some of them, i had a few jumping spiders in there befor and they were killing gnats like crazy!

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
actually i seem to think that the leaves curling up might be heat stress, the fan i had on it, i moved to put on the soil to try to blow the gnats away, since i put it back up its stoped curling, i put the sand ontop of the soil and no more gnats =P
i'll stop flushing and go back to nutes, the plant only missed 1 watering, which it got a flush in instead,

knowing what strains have colouring on the stems wouldent do me any good, i dont know what strain mine is, its bag seed and i didnt even smoke it =P
The gnats aren't that big of a problem but they can multiply really fast and get out of control----I use to use the yellow sticky pads by"seabrite labs" but I switched to GOGNATS-----I mix a tablespoon and a half in with my humidifier water and I haven't had a problem since---no more sticky traps-------You could make your own GOGNATS if you can find a source for 33% cedar oil----That's what keeps the little shits away.


Active Member
its not spider mites lol, its a spider a green one, it came from out site, its not causing the plant any problems and its eating gnats so its more then welcome, the gnats dont multiply i spend about 20 mins in there each after noon and squish most if not all of them.