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  1. mylakers1

    HSO purple train wreck 1st grow

    I got 4 kosher tangies 4 ptw 3 pineapple express and 3 white rhinos to harvest this weekend. The kosher smells and looks killer
  2. mylakers1

    HSO purple train wreck 1st grow

    Its very much worth it. And you can build it to your needs mine is a 35 site cloner. All I do is put water no nutrients put my cuttings in and im done
  3. mylakers1

    HSO purple train wreck 1st grow

    Yea I had a rough go at cloning to start i just over complicated things that didnt need to be now I got the hang of it and I pump out clones many to lol. Here is a pic of my diy clone machine clones about ten days later
  4. mylakers1

    HSO purple train wreck 1st grow

    dE I made a cheep turbo cloner for about 40 bucks and it is the best investment I ever made no more humidity domes and rock wo.
  5. mylakers1

    HSO purple train wreck 1st grow

    Thats what I have heard also. Hate to lose my ptw it a nice frosty strain
  6. mylakers1

    HSO purple train wreck 1st grow

    You just grow from seed or do you keep mothers of those strains?
  7. mylakers1

    HSO purple train wreck 1st grow

    I am at day 50 with the PTW. I also have some kosher tangie that look good
  8. mylakers1

    HSO purple train wreck 1st grow

    They are looking really awesome. Mine are starting to get rock hard
  9. mylakers1

    HSO purple train wreck 1st grow

    Yea that will be cool so I could compare it to mine
  10. mylakers1

    HSO purple train wreck 1st grow

    Not that I can think of it did get a little warm like mid 80s for a couple of days. But after that 72 - 77 with 50-65 % humidity they are rock hard buds really frosty true test will be harvest time
  11. mylakers1

    HSO purple train wreck 1st grow

    One was set was week 3 of flower and second set about 2 weeks into flower. Im about 48 days in to flower
  12. mylakers1

    HSO purple train wreck 1st grow

    Mine looked like it through out little pollen sacks I picked them all off and haven't had any problems after. It is a super frosty plant
  13. mylakers1

    HSO purple train wreck 1st grow

    Looking really good. Did u have any hermie issues with the ptw? Mine stressed really easy
  14. mylakers1

    First Grow. Tips and Advice Welcome!

    Im a noob so with that being said. I looks you might have nutrient burn and lock out. I had the same problem I did a big flush. It seemed to help. But im so close to harvest. Have you done any flushing yet?
  15. mylakers1

    Kosher Tangie & Blue Rhino

    Here is my KT at day 34. She is doing well hope she packs a little more weight in these last few weeks. My KT roots pretty quick in the clonner.
  16. mylakers1

    Kosher Tangie & Blue Rhino

    That looks killer biglittlejohn. Are u in soil or hydro?. Hope mine turns out half as good as yours
  17. mylakers1

    Kosher Tangie & Blue Rhino

    Looking really good. Here is a pic of my KT im at day 27 of flower. Really am impressed by it
  18. mylakers1

    second grow 600w multi strain

    Update it is day 21 of flower and its looking good got a slight nutrient burn just the tips. Kosher tangie stretched a bit. Made my canopy uneven. The purple train wreck is already got good crystal production. also my clones have some good root. Well here r some pics
  19. mylakers1

    HSO purple trainwreck , royal queen critical , BF liberty haze

    Nice. I also got some hso purple trainwreck in flower right now. Day 16 right now. Nice job
  20. mylakers1

    second grow 600w multi strain

    Took some pics right at lights off kosher tangie is a monster and so is the pineapple express. Trying a little test took some clones today top and some bottom cuts to see the difference. And some pics of my diy clone machine it works awesome. Thanks for looking any comments are welcome