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  1. Martian,Mean,green

    Edges pointing down / Leaves rolling into a tube / ~25 days old

    Could you post any pics ? its hard to say really without actually seeing it, there is a small handfull of issues that would make your plant do this.
  2. Martian,Mean,green

    spots on leaves i have pics i need help!!! 4 week of flowering

    Is your plant yellowing ? I couldnt tell because if it was the HPS or the plant, but from what I can see I'd say its mg def, add call mag or dolomite lime, not fast acting lime or garden like but poweder dolomite lime, it will make sure your Ph is stabalized & give you calcium & magnesium, or...
  3. Martian,Mean,green

    What is wrong with my White Widow plants? PLEASE help.

    Personally Id lay off the nutes for at least a week or two only because even the new growth looks a bit pale...When you do start adding nutes again whenever you do decide to, you should deff do a light solution, maybe 1 quarter or half of what the bottle says...I personally do that regardless...
  4. Martian,Mean,green

    What is wrong with my White Widow plants? PLEASE help.

    I would use distilled water, keep your ph where its been & lay off the nutes for another 2 or 3 weeks...Maybe even another flush..But def a nute burn since you ph is fine & I presume its too young to be experiencing nitrogen def.
  5. Martian,Mean,green

    Updatded 400w Super Lemon Haze grow

    Giving you fella's an update from yesterday. Everyday she explodes with new nodes & top growth about a half inch to an inch a night as id expect around now at a month old....gonna top her in 2 days & give her another 2 or 3 weeks & flower her, I dont need to have a 7ft tall lady to controll...
  6. Martian,Mean,green

    Updatded 400w Super Lemon Haze grow

    This is more of an update on an old thread posted 2 weeks ago. Im running in my veg room a 1ft tall SLH lady going in a 5gallon bucket using subcools supersoil, only instead of roots organics due to inavailability I used 2 bags of happy frog, & 2 bags of ocean forest to replace the unavalible...
  7. Martian,Mean,green

    " super lemon haze" 400w grow

    This is my 2 week old super lemon haze baby....I plan to clone her 3 or 4 times before flower, or just make her a mother....havent ran this strain in awhile, & was really itching to have her around the garden again.....Will kepp you guys updated daily....only get to check on her once due to...
  8. Martian,Mean,green

    Why is all the acid gone?!

    Plenty L.S.D in my parts...lack of mushrooms though...but mescaline, L.S.D & such pretty prevalent..