Updatded 400w Super Lemon Haze grow

This is more of an update on an old thread posted 2 weeks ago. Im running in my veg room a 1ft tall SLH lady going in a 5gallon bucket using subcools supersoil, only instead of roots organics due to inavailability I used 2 bags of happy frog, & 2 bags of ocean forest to replace the unavalible roots organics. I used a little less of each of the additives due to the ff soil line already having available micro nutrients & additives. I have already cloned her once & plan on topping her twice & cloning the tops to add to my 1 clone I have in the propagator in the next 2 weeks before I throw her into 12/12....Here's a couple pics from 2 weeks to now at 1 month, & my one clone I have going :)....Commet & let me know what you fella's think, been a little busy due to college & all, but this semester is ending & will be able to attend to my garden more often & will update you guys daily1333928686396.jpgIMG_20120415_200344.jpgIMG_20120424_172726.jpgIMG_20120424_172808.jpg
Giving you fella's an update from yesterday. Everyday she explodes with new nodes & top growth about a half inch to an inch a night as id expect around now at a month old....gonna top her in 2 days & give her another 2 or 3 weeks & flower her, I dont need to have a 7ft tall lady to controll :p...I have a 2 week old cotton candy I will alsoIMG_20120426_165204.jpgIMG_20120426_165228.jpgIMG_20120426_165214.jpg be adding to the room shortly, will keep you guys updated.