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  1. JiMiThInG


    they're in!
  2. JiMiThInG


    they are preety solid now, im anxious to get them in the ground
  3. JiMiThInG


    cuz it's almost 11 and im doin it tomorrow morning, is it really that big of a deal?
  4. JiMiThInG


    im gonna try to get them in soil in less than 12hours
  5. JiMiThInG


    how do u know if they are really rotten? some of the heads are starting to turn yellow and some are over 1 inch long
  6. JiMiThInG


    yea it seems to be sucking the water from the paper towel
  7. JiMiThInG


    yea they already started peircing the paper towels
  8. JiMiThInG

    quick question

    my first try worked out really good, take about 3 or 4 paper towels and get them wet but not dripping, get a dvd case...put the seeds in the wet towels, place it into the dvd case and set it on top of your comp monitr or something toasty.....oh yea and does anybody know if it's ok to plant the...
  9. JiMiThInG


    what if i grab some soil and throw it in the paper towel?
  10. JiMiThInG


    so what if i put them in the ground in less then 24 hours with just the white i better off if theyre in the seed casing?
  11. JiMiThInG


    oh nice, yea they are alomst 1 inch long and some of them have seperated from the shell....some of them are fuzzy on the end...if i wait too long will they die? they are in a dvd case in a moist paper towel
  12. JiMiThInG

    Miracle Grow Moisture Control Soil

    i just bought mg garden soil for flowers and veges...will it work?
  13. JiMiThInG


    i germinated my seeds sunday night and now they are popping....what happends if the white part is totally seperated from the seed casing? can u still plant that? thanks
  14. JiMiThInG

    Best Soil?

    what about jungle growth or sta green?
  15. JiMiThInG

    Good SOIL? Good growing idea?

    I'm also narrowing down soils to use. I know they probably don't sell fox farm around me so I'm thinking either Jungle Growth, Sta - green, or pro mix....i dunno, what do u think?
  16. JiMiThInG

    pond and swamp growing

    I was thinking about putting seeds in the gound close to a swamp...what soil should I throw in the holes?
  17. JiMiThInG

    Whats the best soil that i can get for growing outdoors?

    sounds good....hey do u guys think you can produce a good plant in a swampy area
  18. JiMiThInG

    Whats the best soil that i can get for growing outdoors?

    what should i pick up at lowes or home depot????
  19. JiMiThInG

    Whats the best soil that i can get for growing outdoors?

    i was just searching for premier and it looks like it's a canadian product....u think i could find it at lowes or home depot?