pond and swamp growing


Well-Known Member
Damn if your looking for cubic feet we would need the hieght of the bag once full. Having been through Trig. Physics, and Calc. I am very familiar with those equations, but what do you think the hieght of the bag is?

The equation for the cubic feet of a rectangle is,
Length x Width x Height = CUBIC AREA.
The equation for the cubic feet of a box is,
length to the third power (length x length x length) then times the hieght = CUBIC AREA
The equation for just area I could get with those dimensions, that formula is
Length x Width = AREA or 18"x32" = a flat area of 576 inches

Now if this bag was cylinder the cubic feet of a cylinder would be the area of the circle times the hieght of the cylinder,
∏ (thats supposed to be pie or 3.14159265 which is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter) x Radius (squared) x H
So it would be (with pie rounded up)
3.142 x (Radius x 2) x Hieght

Sorry for the math lesson, but I never use that crap ;) wanted to put it out there somewhere so it at least feels like I got some of my moneys worth out of college.


Active Member
I was thinking about putting seeds in the gound close to a swamp...what soil should I throw in the holes?