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  1. llLOU

    Reschedule cannabis

    I'm talking about rescheduling state by state, have any of you looked at your states laws ?Here is a link to WA.states RCW , RICK WHITE,,what do you think it is NOW? Lowering Cannabis to Schedule III will allow greater access to Cannabis, take a...
  2. llLOU

    Reschedule cannabis

    I urge everyone to write to your state representatives and tell them that you want them to reschedule Cannabis/Marijuana from Schedule I ,to schedule III in YOUR states laws. Especially in States that have MedMJ, there is just no truth in keeping Cannabis listed with Heroin and Meth,LSD etc...
  3. llLOU

    Social Justice is Irrelevant

    UPNORTH sounds like a shithead.
  4. llLOU

    what to do with all that trim

    I love it, I can quote myself......hey ,fuck you idiot!!!! But ,seriously .......fdd try useing european butter, it has a higher fat content than US butter.more is better ,right?
  5. llLOU

    what to do with all that trim

    It's probably a function of production, the guy has so much shit that he does not care if some few trichomes get wasted along the way. Haven't you noticed that the more weed you grow the less you worry about a few buds falling on the floor.:-P
  6. llLOU

    WA. State HB1177& 2401 Dead

    So our weasels who are supposed to represent us have killed both HB1177&HB2401 , I figured as much. So what we have to do now is ,support the initiative put forth by Sensible Washington to straight out legalize Cannabis for adults . To be honest , I am glad that HB2401 died , because it...
  7. llLOU

    what to do with all that trim

    So , do you think you get more extraction by soaking in the booze?
  8. llLOU

    what could this mean???

    What do you mean by"it has 9 leaves" So, are you a cop,or what?
  9. llLOU

    one leaf?

    You're post makes no sense.
  10. llLOU

    Male plant turned chick! W/PIC. WTF??

    If you are growing for seeds,good on you!!!! I encourage you to spread those seeds far and wide. If everyone just grew females pretty soon there would be no seeds, then where would we be?:sad:
  11. llLOU

    First Time Grow>>NEED some opinions!!

    If the reflective walls are aluminum foil , get rid of it , use Mylar.
  12. llLOU

    Menthol weed

    I am a MM patient so I grow my own, I just like the different taste now and then.
  13. llLOU

    Washington state HB 2401 is fucked

    What does Patty Murray have to do with it? I was referring to a state of Washington initiative.
  14. llLOU

    Menthol weed

    Hello boys and girls , here is a neat trick that I do with my weed. Put a peppermint tea bag in the Altoids tin that you keep your weed in. Gives the weed a nice menthol flavor...You could probably use other essential oils like vanilla , almond, ???? you should take any unflavored tea bag and...
  15. llLOU

    when do I start curing?

    I let my buds hang for at least a week, no fan, maybe even two weeks, then I put them into a one gallon glass jar ,but only about 3/4 the way full, do not pack in too much, you want plenty of air flow through the bud. I leave them in the jars for 21 days ,open the jar a few times a day, just for...
  16. llLOU

    Washington state HB 2401 is fucked

    We "the people" do NOT have to wait till next year , their is an initiative to sign and get onto the November elections, if it passes it will legalize Cannabis for adults. Of course our weasels in Olympia will probably file a lawsuit against it (US) because it conflicts with Federal Law, and...
  17. llLOU

    Washington state HB 2401 is fucked

  18. llLOU

    Washington state HB 2401 is fucked

    NO DRAMA; You say " There is hardly any legalese in there" What are you talking about ? I can't believe that you have read the entire text of the bill. MR.RED; IF it is going to be legal for adults to grow, why did they feel the need to eliminate the lines in 69.51 that provide an...
  19. llLOU

    Washington state HB 2401 is fucked

    Yeah, as long as you get a license from the state to grow.... I don't know, there is way too much legalese in this bill, I still say the best bet is to sign the initiative and then vote for flat out legalization in November.
  20. llLOU

    Washington state HB 2401 is fucked

    Maybe I am just a natural born worrier (sp?) but I don't see anywhere in this bill that allows for personal cultivation being allowed.. PLEASE SHOW ME THE SECTION WHERE IT SAYS WE CAN GROW OUR OWN.... sure it says that cannabis will be legal to possess(adults) as long as we bought it from the...