Male plant turned chick! W/PIC. WTF??


Well-Known Member
from what i've read on breeding(still new to it), this is a very desirable and rare trait
pollen collected supposedly will create offspring with an increased percentage of females
but then the big time breeders don't tell us everything


Well-Known Member
^^^ thx Grow, ive seen some hermz in my day, never like that. Increased %. interesting. Its in a grow journal i joined yesterday, none of us could belive it.


Active Member
its just a hermie and yes the resulting seeds will be feminized i planted 6 feminized seeds and all 6 were female which ive read feminized seeds only give a higher % of females but can still produce males the only draw back is the resulting seeds have a good chance at becomming hermies themselves

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Very interesting. Well, I guess ultimately is IS a hermie and although the gene for hermaphrodism probably usually comes from the female, I guess it can definitely come from the male as well. I guess offspring from this male would have the same chance of passing on the trait as offspring of a hermied female, maybe more maybe less. I would take a better picture of it since it is pretty rare, and maybe even submit it into Skunk magazine or something.


Well-Known Member
its just a hermie and yes the resulting seeds will be feminized i planted 6 feminized seeds and all 6 were female which ive read feminized seeds only give a higher % of females but can still produce males the only draw back is the resulting seeds have a good chance at becomming hermies themselves

Its Not just a hermie. Male switched to female. Youve never seen it! Not vice versa. Rarity


Well-Known Member
my understanding is there is a school of breeders that think hermie males are the bomb
i think dj short has some an article on these 'guys'
i'm sure there are other breeders that have different views


Well-Known Member
If your plant is one sex, and suddenly has both, it is a hermi.

Hermi's are caused two ways.

1)It is in your plants genetic code to produce both types of flowers to ensure the survival of that strain. This trait is passed on to your seeds, making High Quality, seedless bud almost unattainable (although some plants may not carry this trait immediately or thoroughly)

2) Environmental stress (Heat-Acidity-Nutrient Burn/Deficiency-Photo period inconsistency/"light-leaks" and airborne toxins) may cause your plants to produce a Few flowers of the other sex to ensure survival. This is similar to the other type of Hermi, But this is not genetic, It is Stress induced, Which has shown to yield high percentages of Feminized seeds, the majority of which, will not carry the Hermi trait.
If the plants genetics causes it to herme than the seeds will be female and herme , If the plant stresses or is flowered to long say to become herme the seeds are generally female to the best of my knowlege.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the rep Fditty, got me motivated to do a little more reading
found a reference from DocLeaf, breeder for Frillitary seeds
he claims in 15+ years of breeding, he has seen 2 male plants that displayed female traits
so this is seen by very few
and how they are used seems to be part of the 'secret sauce', just part of a complicated chain


Well-Known Member
once i get started, i need to finish the thought
so it seems there are 2 kinds of hermie males
the more common hermie will have sterile flowers, no seeds will be produced
the much less common hermie is one that has a small number of flowers
but these flowers will produce a small number of seeds
the sterile male hermie pollen is supposed to be bad pollen
it carries the hermie trait
however the fertile male hermie pollen does not have the hermie trait
it produces good offspring
understand? if you do, you're doing better than me
this is just what i read over in dj shorts forum, don't claim to understand exactly


Well-Known Member
Ill re-read that a few times, to soak it all in. Stoneyyyyyy right now! Its been pollenated. We shall see the outcome. The link is on the 2nd post. Subscribe and see what happens. Im gonna copy and paste your findings over there.:) thx!


Active Member
post picks here why hide them ?
if you look ferther back he did post pics, i think what short is saying is that the pic we've been looking at is infact a rarity and is the type of hermie you want because it's a male plant and is showing female sex not the other way around get it?


Well-Known Member
Its Not just a hermie. Male switched to female. Youve never seen it! Not vice versa. Rarity
If you are growing for seeds,good on you!!!! I encourage you to spread those seeds far and wide. If everyone just grew females pretty soon there would be no seeds, then where would we be?:sad:


Active Member
male hermies r rare because most growers get rid of the plant as soon as it shows male balls so no one really knows how often it happens but as far as i understand a hemie is a hermie you should get some feminized seeds though i would maybe save some of the pollen and try crossing it with another mother