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  1. samson3

    Entrapment? Arrested for intent to sell

    How could they really prove they were pot brownies. You didn't tell them they had pot in them did you?
  2. samson3

    12 days flower....

    If they are on 12/12, 12-18 will produce. You should post some pics to give us a better idea of what your working with
  3. samson3

    Clone advise

    yeah i have them in a box so the light is close. i usually pop a soda can in there and shut the box so it keeps the Co2 in, the plants seem to be perking up. I have about 18 of 24 cuttings that are going to make it. I got a cloning machine on ebay for 100 and it works like a charm. :peace:
  4. samson3

    Clone advise

    Got two 2ft flourescent plant bulbs...seems to be getting tons of light. Should I trim off the dead stuff?
  5. samson3

    what a rush

    Looking good, be sure to keep us posted :joint:
  6. samson3

    newby to growing

    post a pic man, may be easier to try and guess if we could actually see it :peace:
  7. samson3

    Weed and Airport security

    One method is to get a good sized jar of vasoline, scoop out till you get to the middle, triple / quadruple bag, place the bag in the middle, then put the other vasoline on top. Ive also taped a small bag to the inside of my leg ( shave area first ) and made it no problem.
  8. samson3

    Eeep! Gnats!

    I had the same problem with gnats. I bought some fly paper and that seems to have taken care of them for the most part. You can also use an extremely diluted bleach solution ( 1 cap unscented bleach per gallon of water ) and mist the plants and it will kill them. You've got enough time that when...
  9. samson3

    Mexican bagseed, 1st grow (pics)

    Amazing what good lighting and nutes will do. Awesome job! :joint:
  10. samson3

    Clone advise

    I just cloned my plants 3 weeks ago. Im at about 95% survival right now and would like to keep the rest of them alive. Does anyone have suggestions as far as watering / feeding cycles in this stage? To clone, I took cuttings, dipped the tips in Clone-X, and put them in an aeroponic clonig...
  11. samson3

    Roomate cut it down..

    Your room mate must be a dick. Id wipe my ass on his pillow
  12. samson3

    what does it mean when you turn yellow

    LOL, reminds me of a friend from high school who had never smoked. We got a hold of some fire shit and he smoked a blunt with us and when we were done, he was sitting in a corner staring at the floor but his skin color was stone gray...we thought he had died for about 30 minutes or so. Ah, memories.
  13. samson3

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey all, I love this site. Seems like there are a lot of people here who really know their stuff, but also some bullshitters. Oh well, thats life. Check out my gallery, got a few flavors. I'm a week into flowering so I'll be sure to keep the pics coming. Smoke everyday :joint:
  14. samson3


    Hey all, I love this site. Seems like there are a lot of people here who really know their stuff, but also some bullshitters. Oh well, thats life. Check out my gallery, got a few flavors. I'm a week into flowering so I'll be sure to keep the pics coming. Smoke everyday :joint:
  15. samson3

    My 35 day old mid-grade plants- any suggestion

    I'm sorry to be a dick, but are you really using a plastic fork to hold up that scrawny little plant. Man that thing is pitiful :spew:
  16. samson3

    weed and coke?

    I am in no way a proponent of coke, but the high is great. Why do people get hooked on that shit if it isn't that great of a high. The worst part of that shit is the come down and the way you feel the next day. Stick with pot my friend. :joint:
  17. samson3

    First grow!!! PICTURES!!! PICTURES!!! PICTURES!!!

    looks pretty weak :joint:
  18. samson3

    Fan leaves to big

    Yeah don't cut the fan leaves any sooner than a week or two before harvest.
  19. samson3

    Fan leaves to big

    The plant will go into minor shock if you trim alot but that seemed to last about 30 min. That quick huh? you sure about that? :confused:
  20. samson3

    Lower Soil PH?

    You can also lower the pH with Vinegar, just be careful with the mixture. I'd suggest two table spoons per gallon water and feed it to it over a week or slow. Don't lower or raise too quickly or it can induce shock.