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  1. J

    a noobs first grow

    That whole middles stock is primarily solid buds.
  2. J

    a noobs first grow

    ya I know I had to use my phone for the camera il try and get a better camera to use this week. I've read that using a microscope is the best way to examine the trics to see if she's ready or getting near ready to harvest. What are some other methods? Just looking at her is a tease, the buds...
  3. J

    a noobs first grow

    Hey everyone its been a while since I've been on here but I just thought I'd share a pic of my very first grow I started back on 4/20. This was an outdoor grow in Oregon. I only did 3 seeds so I wouldn't overwhelm myself as this is the first grow IV ever done. One was kaboom from tga the other...
  4. J

    one seed, 2 stems??

    haha im going to leave it alone for now so we shall see.
  5. J

    one seed, 2 stems??

    kind of what I was thinking haha
  6. J

    What Are You Listening To? Ofwgkta- oldie
  7. J

    posting pics with windows 7 phone??

    If anyone else has been having trouble with this I figured out it has something to do with win 7 phones not having flash, so you have to upload pics to Flickr or a photo site that you can upload pics via email from and then post them.
  8. J

    anybody know what's going on here?

    this is what mine looked like at first and then one popped up with leaves whil the other took a couple more days to break the shell and show leaves.
  9. J

    one seed, 2 stems??

    im bringing it back.
  10. J

    one seed, 2 stems??

    oh nice I will check it out, ya if you look at my pics you can see one looks a lot bigger then the other.
  11. J

    one seed, 2 stems??

    that's what I've been doing, wasn't planning on cutting anything off...may just be because it's my first grow but im already very attached to my plants I don't wanna fuck with them im just going to let them grow and let nature take its course.
  12. J

    one seed, 2 stems??

    even at 2 weeks old? Is there anything to add to the soil that could make up for this so that both got enough nutes?
  13. J

    one seed, 2 stems?? this link should work and I posted a couple different pics on my Flickr account of the seedling.
  14. J

    one seed, 2 stems??

    trying to download the Flickr app to see if it will work that way.
  15. J

    one seed, 2 stems??

    word, I am trying to figure out how to post pics from my doesn't seem to work.
  16. J

    posting pics with windows 7 phone??

    I know you can use android now but is there an easy way to post pics on a win 7 phone if I try on my phone nothing happens.
  17. J

    Attitude 4/20 orders here

    that shirt is dope! I ordered too was going to get a shirt but decided not to at last minute...kicking myself for it now.
  18. J

    one seed, 2 stems??

    I planted 3 different strains and 2 of them took off after about 48 hours the last one was the 2 headed plant and I didn't think it was going to pop but it finally did after 5 days im guessing because it was trying to push out 2 plants but I don't know.
  19. J

    one seed, 2 stems??

    ya I was wondering that also about the sex of the plant or if it was female it would have double yield possibly? I plan on transplanting to their final homes tomorrow, im using 8 gallon buckets should I go bigger? I'll try what you said with the spray bottle but from what it looks both sides...
  20. J

    one seed, 2 stems??

    It looks like 2 plants not connected. I am just using my phone right now because I don't have internet at my pad, does anyone know how to post pics from a windows 7 phone?