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  1. T

    Seedling dying! Cfl change?

    it may live,depends-replanting in good soil,feeding/watering back off. i have used soil with slow release fertilizer with great sucsess,it was gold label-LIGHT MIX!FROM 130 seedlings only one had minimal nute burn,it survived and now it is still alive in good healt.i gess i was watering it more...
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    Seedling dying! Cfl change?

    did you gave it any nutes?i am not spesialist,cannot see well on the picture,but sounds like nuteburn to me.may be +overwatering as well.tell ALL the details,someone with more experience will be able to tell you better,but if you have used nutes this early,i am 90% positive it is a nute burn.(...
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    Replant Those Long Stretchy Stems ( Its Easy )

    i agree 100%,it worked for me like a magic,i allready harvested 2 days ago first plants(part of them),who hase been buryed by goten's method,they grew 5-8 feet tall,got a good harvest,not remarkable,do to poor care(guerilla).but still good one.that proofs to me that this works,even better then...
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    I need advice

    the plants at one of my guerilla spots have been polinated by accident(too much hemp around in the fields,can't clean it by hand).i was expecting some seeds,but it is horrible-all the buds are full of this year the hemp grew up(and mature)one month earler than usual (f#cking weather...
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    Guerrilla Diesel Ryder in South Carolina (and a few Automatic Blueberry)

    nice grow,been away for a while(problems with my own crop,be back on this later),i see amazing results,lowely loking plants in my opinion,very similar to my grow(as a plot and number of the plants and diff.strains),will keep looking to the end+rep
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    Guerrilla Diesel Ryder in South Carolina (and a few Automatic Blueberry)

    thanks,for now on everything is ok,except the hot weather(no rain the last month,means heavy labor job with buckets),at least i have a parther,strong man,running with 2&10 gal.buckets,but global warming is here,last 2 years are incredible dry,so i need something faster,autoflow.seems to be the...
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    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    well,i am not that experienced,but looks like nute burn+overwatering as well.there are others,who know better,but if these were my plants,i would cut the nutes for a while and reduce the watering (and feeding when they recover from the nute burn).in my opinion there are too many complications...
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    Replant Those Long Stretchy Stems ( Its Easy )

    don't worry,i byrryed my appr.10 sm.,no ill effects(thanks,goten,they were streching really bad,i was panicedkiss-ass)now,7-8 weeks later they are 3-5 feet high(sativa dominant guerilla),allready started flowering(just a bit),and i was wondering how tall they will at the end,and i was useing...
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    planting tommorow.some questions

    probably,just find good tea recipe,i think there is a organic section on this site,do some research&ask there,you'll find the answer faster(use search thread button)
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    hardening got a ? for you pro's

    well,i did the experiment,not by my own will,the circumstances forsed me,half of my plants was hardened off,half not,obviously hardened on are doing better,i was using empty appartment to start the seedlings under fluoros,hardened half for 3-4 days,they went outside(the balkony was way small...
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    planting tommorow.some questions

    dig holes and fill them up with soil instead of using pots is a exellent idea,way better than pots(pots dry way faster,spase is never inaf,restricter root grow),the soil you have chosen looks fine to me,bigger holes=better,instead of cow manure you can use rabbit,less chanse to burn(some say...
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    Guerrilla Diesel Ryder in South Carolina (and a few Automatic Blueberry)

    nise guerrilla style grow,my is similar(the plot and the number of the plants),except the tipe(i grow some sativa-dom.hibrids),i was thinking about diesel ryder,couldn't find regural seeds to produse some more(the plot is appr.2000 sq.feet,so i need a lot of them),may be i'll do like you,cross...
  13. T

    need help with this nutrients

    in soil i start with 10% from reccom.dosage,slow increase to 20-30%(especially in good soil),if you see a nuteburn-flush,and back off the dosage to the previos amount.DO NOT trust the manif.chart,they lie in order to bye more and more of their produkt.i learned it the hard way!especially...
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    Male Plant for certain?(Pics Inside)

    looks like hermi,i wouldn't kill it,just put it somewere in the wild(far away from the rest),pot it in the ground,if you have a chance visit&water/feed it,cut the balls as much as possible(hermi pollen is a way bad,DO NOT use it to pollinate other females,try to avoid pollinating itself),at the...
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    Late Outdoor Grow, Canada

    my were started at 12 may,looks allmost the same(except the nuteburn),they are outside sinse yesterday,(2-th portion),you don'thave to wait until june 15,they are ready to go outside.if you are in southern canada,i think you are not late, 1 pound from 10 females is realistic(i would expect...
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    Northern Alberta, Canada..would it work?

    also they do not need much fertilizering,(none for 3 weeks,until sexing if the potting soil is good -(worm casting is o.k.),i think 5-10$ invest./plant(+the seeds,of course)
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    Northern Alberta, Canada..would it work?

    Northern Alberta, Canada..would it work? Hey guys...
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    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    TI'll say it before UB does: Read a book on what makes any plant work .... or skip right to the nutrition part. ( i wouldnt advise skipping anything though) ANY food is fine to use , but i would have to write a whole book to explain how to use different foods, so i'll leave that up to you...
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    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    the question is:is it o.k. to use this fert.(3-1-4),or to dump it and buy new one(in case that canna shit is going to do more harm than help)sorry,i don't know much about fertilisers,cannot make the diferense,buying canna terra i thought i am buying the best for my ladys:wall:.later read sooo...
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    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    U.B.,i followed most of your advises (no paper towel,2-4 main collas),my plants are about 5 weeks old(1 week outside),started inside under sfls in gold label light mix(already had it,short of funds to by new shit),there are some nuts in it+micros,however,no nute burn(thk god),i have some...