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  1. O

    Second grow, White Widow X Big Bud Feminized. Hope you enjoy :D!

    hey ocho remember me man? Your plants are looking great. Just b e a u t i f u l! i started growing mine again and it's going great! keep it going:bigjoint:
  2. O

    Second grow, White Widow X Big Bud Feminized. Hope you enjoy :D!

    Happy 4/20 man! haven't been here for a while but it looks like they are coming out pretty nice! bongsmilie unfortunately my plants died.. i started a new one, but just one for the moment, to see if i can get it right this time.
  3. O

    12/12 from seed CFL party cups

    Good work!! :clap: there looking pretty healthy doing a great job man :D
  4. O

    Second grow, White Widow X Big Bud Feminized. Hope you enjoy :D!

    MAn this looks! great! best of luck! looking forward to seeing how it goes alogn the way, I'll be here por the ride too! :D :clap:
  5. O

    Seedling is strong

    I've read that if you bend them carefully once in a while it will make the stem stronger! Well.. not bend it completely but move it once in a while lol
  6. O

    First timer sharing! any tips?

    well right now i want to grow, just to have the plants, i don't plan to make them flower, i want to see how long i can keep them and actually i want to keep them small, so ill me pruning them and the soil is just i guess regular soil for pot lol, don't really now what its got
  7. O

    First timer sharing! any tips?

    OK i'll keep those things in mind and thanks! :bigjoint: also I was wondering, when should I start giving them nutes? they have three days since they broke ground
  8. O

    First timer sharing! any tips?

    Well i'm planing to move them into a some what large cup, i want to keep the plants small, should i put them under the 5000k? or go straight to put in some bulbs for flowering, i ask cause I saw someone do that, i kinda get lost sometimes.
  9. O

    12/12 from seed CFL party cups

    Hey man are you leaving the lights turned on 24/7? Good luck! i'm doing the same with CFL look my thread up, could use some help im a new grower lol
  10. O

    First timer sharing! any tips?

    thanks! when should i start putting nutes in the water?
  11. O

    First timer sharing! any tips?

    I just got two cfl 5000k light bulbs should i put them in now or wait just a little bit more? thanks for your help!!
  12. O

    First timer sharing! any tips?

    Thanks for the tips, i just got two cfl 5000k bulbs that im gonna set up in there and should i put the plants under them now or wait a little bit more?
  13. O

    First timer sharing! any tips?

    Thank you! :)
  14. O

    First timer sharing! any tips?

    ​Hi guys! I just started growing, and wanted to share and hopefully get some tips for later on. first of all, it is really hard for me to try to grow, that's why my setup looks pretty weird lol, I started in my closet and had to work with what i could get here are some pictures of how I...