First timer sharing! any tips?


​Hi guys! I just started growing, and wanted to share and hopefully get some tips for later on.
first of all, it is really hard for me to try to grow, that's why my setup looks pretty weird lol, I started in my closet and had to work with what i could get here are some pictures of how I set things up.
any thoughts or comments? thanks!:) would really appreciate it!

UPDATE: I changed the light setup, any comments if its ok? o should i do any changes? they are two 5000k Flour' bulbs.




Active Member
I'm a first time grower as well.. My babies were planted March 25th (6 seeds), 26th (3 seeds), and ONE seed on the 27th. Just wanna wish you best of luck with your grow! I've found so many helpful tips on this forum.. IF you haven't already, I suggest the Jorge Cervantes Video on how to grow (I believe its toward the top section of this forum) Very informative. Welcome to the forums! =D


Well-Known Member
Ok, now that they have sprouted get more light in there ASAP to get a good healthy start. Don't want to end up with a foot tall string bean =P Congrats and welcome to a lifelong hobby.


Well-Known Member
as has been mentioned, those plants are going to need hundreds of watts of light to all reach even their lowest potential. but you've hit the ground running, just make sure you prepare 2 steps ahead.

if like you said, it's hard for you to grow, and it's because you're doing it under someone's nose, make sure you're ready to deal with the pungent smell that will seep through any wall without filtration once they start flowering


as has been mentioned, those plants are going to need hundreds of watts of light to all reach even their lowest potential. but you've hit the ground running, just make sure you prepare 2 steps ahead.

if like you said, it's hard for you to grow, and it's because you're doing it under someone's nose, make sure you're ready to deal with the pungent smell that will seep through any wall without filtration once they start flowering
Thanks for the tips, i just got two cfl 5000k bulbs that im gonna set up in there and should i put the plants under them now or wait a little bit more?


Ok, now that they have sprouted get more light in there ASAP to get a good healthy start. Don't want to end up with a foot tall string bean =P Congrats and welcome to a lifelong hobby.
I just got two cfl 5000k light bulbs should i put them in now or wait just a little bit more? thanks for your help!!


Well-Known Member
thanks! when should i start putting nutes in the water?
Use tap water. The only way you'd want to use distilled water is if your tap's ppms are off the charts AND/OR your nutrient regiment supplies ALL of the trace elements required by weed. Not sure when to start feeding nutes with those peat pellet things though.

Grow Safe!


Use tap water. The only way you'd want to use distilled water is if your tap's ppms are off the charts AND/OR your nutrient regiment supplies ALL of the trace elements required by weed. Not sure when to start feeding nutes with those peat pellet things though.

Grow Safe!
Well i'm planing to move them into a some what large cup, i want to keep the plants small, should i put them under the 5000k? or go straight to put in some bulbs for flowering, i ask cause I saw someone do that, i kinda get lost sometimes.


Well-Known Member
Use tap water. The only way you'd want to use distilled water is if your tap's ppms are off the charts AND/OR your nutrient regiment supplies ALL of the trace elements required by weed. Not sure when to start feeding nutes with those peat pellet things though.

Grow Safe!
My situation is a prime example of what your saying is not 100% true. My tap water is 150ppm out of the faucet. Not to bad right? Wrong! My calcium levels are off the charts. Its so high that its locking out my Magnesium, Phosphorus, etc. Plants not looking too well before I found this out. So just beware is all I can say when using tap. Check your bathtub drain. If it has some weird looking white deposits around the top and going down the drain then you have too much calcium in that there tap water. Good Luck use Distilled to be safe!


My situation is a prime example of what your saying is not 100% true. My tap water is 150ppm out of the faucet. Not to bad right? Wrong! My calcium levels are off the charts. Its so high that its locking out my Magnesium, Phosphorus, etc. Plants not looking too well before I found this out. So just beware is all I can say when using tap. Check your bathtub drain. If it has some weird looking white deposits around the top and going down the drain then you have too much calcium in that there tap water. Good Luck use Distilled to be safe!
OK i'll keep those things in mind and thanks! :bigjoint: also I was wondering, when should I start giving them nutes? they have three days since they broke ground

Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
Hey good luck!! I'll be starting my 1st grow in about 10 days. I plan on using a lot more CFL than you have at the moment.....many 250 watters using blue to veg and red/blue mix to flower....and probably distilled water. I'll have to check myself on when to add nutrients. My area is about 7X7 so it'll be for both veg and flower. From what I've read here most of each plant needs to be covered in CFL, but you will want to check with the pros. I'm thinking 10-12 lights with reflectors for 4 plants until I hear differently. The CFL need to be overhead too so the plants I've read.
Let us know your developments :)


Well-Known Member
6500k for veg, 2700k for flower is the best for cfl light from the research I've done. The 5000k has was too much useless light for the plant. If you want a better performance per watt, get bulbs with those temps.

East Coast Pro

Active Member
Yep 6500 is veg, 2700 flower. It depends with the nutes..what are your goals? Plant size? What soil you in? For some reason I can't subscribe to threads right now, but I'll be checking in...