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  1. K

    First Grow!!! Hydro System

    Guys my camrea is broken right now so wheni can post new pics i will they are huge though and very healthy when those lights fell on them it really didnt make a diffrence they are not hurt at all they bounced back very strong and good news one has officially showed signs of sex the biggest one...
  2. K

    First Grow!!! Hydro System

    Okay guys i got some new pics were down to 3 1/2 plants lol one of them broke in half from the lights fallin on it but the bottom haalf is still living...But anyway there getttin big but no sign of sex yet :( heres the pics
  3. K

    First Grow!!! Hydro System

    OMG i just did the biggest fuck up in my entire life i was raising the lights cause i thought they were getting too close i raised them then they fell right on the plants =( i think i fixed them up a good bit stuck some poles in for supports i think they will live i hope so!!!!! i cant beleive i...
  4. K

    First Time Grow! Bagseed Closet Grow!

    dude that sucks how could something eat a plant that has so much value...fuckers...
  5. K

    First Grow!!! Hydro System

    Okay i thought i knew the sex but i honestly dont there is no signs of sex anywhere can this be a problem??
  6. K

    First Time Grow! Bagseed Closet Grow!

    good looking plants man wait until they start budding people are right you see something new everyday... and i see you have been adding your thoughts into my journal thanks man but im still following yours how long have they been outside for?
  7. K

    First Grow!!! Hydro System

    i have been spraying them with selzter water every couple of days for co2 is that good
  8. K

    First Grow!!! Hydro System

    there were 6-7 inchs high now they are 15 inches high and all are females i cant wait till there done are they looking really healthy??
  9. K

    First Grow!!! Hydro System

    hey guys been away for a couple of days but the plants are doing really well i got 4 females no males in the garden!!!! here are the latest pics of them
  10. K

    First Grow!!! Hydro System

    hey guys i been in 12/12 for 4 days now after not givin them light for 36 hours and no signs of sex yet any estimate when i might be able to tell
  11. K

    First Grow!!! Hydro System

    i bought a stealth hydro system it comes with lights there about a month and a week in and i just started 12/12 today changed the water and nutrients so i should start to see some results with in the week
  12. K

    First Grow!!! Hydro System

    heres the pics
  13. K

    First Grow!!! Hydro System

    okay went out to check the plants today and they are looking oh so fine will take pics later in the day 2morrow im goin to change the water/ Nutrients im goin to leave the lights off for 2-3 days im going to start to flower these girls and let them show there real hopefully next time...
  14. K

    First Grow!!! Hydro System

    there going good im going to post some new pics either 2morrow or tuesday there looking really healthy i hope it stays like that
  15. K

    First Grow!!! Hydro System

    well c the thing is im not gunna let them get that big im goin to flower them in about a week or two i also do have another airstone in there so it should be fine the thing is there just growing so god damn fast its unbeleiveable and also my friend used one of these systems before and grew 5...
  16. K

    First Time Grow! Bagseed Closet Grow!

    intrested gunna tune into this one....but buddy you got another atleast i would say amonth till you can flower im a month in on my grow and im close to be able to flower but just not yet....check mine out if you would....
  17. K

    First Grow!!! Hydro System

    can i get some feedback here bump.....................
  18. K

    First Grow!!! Hydro System

    okay lets see if anyone is goin to cmment this time or tell me if im doin this right or anything wrong please let me know wut you think of these pics cause honestly i have no clue what im doing i just raised the lights today they were gettin too close and switched the nutrients to full strangth...
  19. K

    First Grow!!! Hydro System

    ok here is the pic update it looks like some of the leaves are turning what does this mean like there twisting
  20. K

    First Grow!!! Hydro System

    okay tommorow i will be putin up some pics but can i get some feedback on these too like do you see anything wrong or am i doing a goodjob i havent had no feedback come on guyss