First Grow!!! Hydro System


Active Member
Hey Guys im a first time grower but i tried to grow outdoors once didnt work.........but anyway i have a stealth hydro system with the red and blue spectrum lights on it 24/7 juss germainated 3/10 seeds so planted them today... i also have the air and water pump goin 24/7 as well........any objections on that?? but i will post pics as soon as they sprout and from then on i will post pics everyday....the strain is KC Brains Crystal Limit my friend has grown this before and had some good results got us pretty damn high lol well anyway tell me if there is anything else i have to do i have already added the nutrients only half dose of it though cuz there gunna be little babies but when do u think i should be expecting some sprouts??:joint: gunna go toke some l's right now so leave your stuff and when i come back ill be high so make me laugh a little bit and tell me what you guys think:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
you have the water running constantly? what medium are you using? need more info in order to help you out. and you don't need the lights on at all until they sprout.


Well-Known Member
it ok i guess, but not needed, you might as well save the money on electricity for the time being. are you running the water constantly? cause you don't need to do that either, rockwool holds both water and air well, i water my plants 3 times a day for about 15 minutes each time, thats it. i use rockwool and a drip system.


Active Member
well im not worried about the electric these bulbs rele dont take alot there only 45 watts a piece so thats not bad at anyway u think i should only run the water pump for 15 minutes 3 times a day?? how long apart should i do it u kno wut i mean


Well-Known Member
i do mine 2 drips every second for 15 minutes, 4 times a day, every 6 hours. You can do 3 times a day also just depends on how much your dripping.


Active Member
its not lke a drip have you ever seen the stealth hydro sysytem look it up its no dripping it constanly gives water to it


Well-Known Member
mine constantly has water running if the pump in on too. i just evenly distribute it over the 18 or 12 hours that the lights are on.


Active Member
OKay Update time i have successfully germinated all 6 seeds into the hydro system no sprouts yet though :( but i think i should have atleast 2 sprout 2morrow from the 3 that i planted yesterday i decieded to keep the lights on 24/7 it keeps it warmer in there it does get kinda cold so with the lights on its not a problem i shut off the pump every 5 hours and then keep it on for a half hour.... i rele hope these sprout i will be pretty unhappy if they dont...


Active Member
okay i have not seen any improvment no sprouts no nothing any thing that could be going on its has been 3 days since i planted the cracked seeds


Active Member
okay lots of improvment all 6 have sprouted great great news i will post pics on monday when i have my camera i have my pump set to 3 times a day for 15 minutes and the lights on 24/7


Active Member
Okay all 6 have sprouted like i said i took some pics today to show you how they are doin to who ever s lookin at this thing so here they are



Active Member
cool no one said anything like always.....but anyway im goin to post some new pcs on friday one little one died today it was the smallest one i didnt think it was goin to make it so i have 5 healthy little ones goin i think they need a little more feeding so i add another cycle on to the night time the lights are still on 24 hours


Active Member
okay tommorow i will be putin up some pics but can i get some feedback on these too like do you see anything wrong or am i doing a goodjob i havent had no feedback come on guyss


Active Member
ok here is the pic update it looks like some of the leaves are turning what does this mean like there twisting



Active Member
okay lets see if anyone is goin to cmment this time or tell me if im doin this right or anything wrong please let me know wut you think of these pics cause honestly i have no clue what im doing i just raised the lights today they were gettin too close and switched the nutrients to full strangth a couple days ago when i changed the water



Well-Known Member
Wow man...I mean I may be new at this but I've seen my fair share of pictures and urs looks pretty damn healthy...if u dont mind me much was the stealth hydro system? and wat does it come with? thanks for the comments on mine btw lol and keep up the good work! haha...ill be watchin