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  1. S

    bud rot helllpppp plz

    ive just came into my grow room and ive noticed 2 off my buds have bud rot what would ur suggestion to do cut off the parts with bud rot and how can i treat this and i notice the leaves have signs of mould wat can i do to treat this my humidty has flew up to a maximum of 87 percent which is not...
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    positronics super cheese

    has any body grown this i wanted to no someones experience with it
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    just need a little advice of wat boosters to add to help my plants

    thanks for the useful info i went out and bought some bloombastic i was told it works good with bio bizz have you ever used this before and could you tell me ur experience on using this booster because i dnt no much about it thank you green chile
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    just need a little advice of wat boosters to add to help my plants

    just to add im growing in soil
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    just need a little advice of wat boosters to add to help my plants

    im growing blue cheese from seed im into the 3rd week floweing and i use bio grow bio bloom top max and black strap molasses and on the 5th to 6th week im going to use pk 13 14 does any1 no or can recommend a good booster to add to my nutes that im using to increase bud size or thc...
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    leaves turning yellow

    you havent done anything wrong your coming to the end of its life cycle so yellow leaves are normal at this stage just carrying on with ur normal feeding and i hope al goes well
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    my big buddah blue cheese is this normal

    these are big buddah blue cheese seeds do u think because they have stretched too much do u think will affect the yield or stress the plants
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    my big buddah blue cheese is this normal

    thanks alot spitsbuds ur a very good help i must say
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    my big buddah blue cheese is this normal

    i have posted couple pics not that great until i get my proper cam bk today i use bio bizz product in veg i only used bio grow and when i switched to 12 12 i use bio grow bio bloom top max and on the 5th to 6th week im going to use abit of pk 13 14 do you have any thing else or any other...
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    my big buddah blue cheese is this normal

    heres some pics nt da best quality
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    my big buddah blue cheese is this normal

    im going to see if i can get some pics im going to pic my cam from a mate so u can see with a better quality but ive never grown this before but its abit weird because wen i was veggin it looked small and stubby with big leaves but now looks more like a sativa im on week 3 flowering now i just...
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    my big buddah blue cheese is this normal

    im going to see if i can get some pics im going to pic my cam from a mate so u can see with a better quality but ive never grown this before but its abit weird because wen i was veggin it looked small and stubby with big leaves but now looks more like a sativa im on week 3 flowering now i just...
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    The UK Growers Thread!

    im from south london aswell i pay 250 a ounce so 130 is a bargain to me mate
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    my big buddah blue cheese is this normal

    im growing 10 big buddah blue cheese i done them from seed but i have a quick question when my plants where in vegging they looked short and stubby like a indica but now im flowering they have got very tall im like 5 foot 7 and there like under my chin and im in week 3 flowering the plants seem...
  15. S

    im a new grower here for advice and experience and to talk about the best strains

    im a new grower here for advice and experience and to talk about the best strains