leaves turning yellow

i am in 6th wk of flower and up until now everything has been going and looking great. three days ago shade leaves started turning yellowish brown on me and it wasnt gradual or anything it was like right now. last time i watered it was w/ straight water. it was only on one plant but as of this morning it is happening to another one is this normal or should i feed it some more?

Total Head

Well-Known Member
how long do you expect the strain to take to finish? if it's an 8 week strain i wouldn't worry about it with just a couple weeks left, but if it's a 10+ week strain you'll want to take care of that now. if the yellowing is rapid you might be leafless in a couple weeks. more than likely you need a bit more nitrogen but without pics it's impossible to say for sure.

a lot of people will feed with the grow formula for the first couple weeks of bloom just to avoid the premature yellowing, or even do half grow/half bloom during that period. some bloom formulas have way too little N to keep leaves green for a long bloom cycle.

just don't freak out and start dumping all sorts of stuff in there. just try a little extra N with the next feeding. if you can get a pic up that would be good, too. i'd hate to be advising you on an N def if something else is going on.


you havent done anything wrong your coming to the end of its life cycle so yellow leaves are normal at this stage just carrying on with ur normal feeding and i hope al goes well
thanks for the replys. i am new to this post a pic thing so if i can figure it out i will put some on here again thanks coase i sure was gettin ready to freak out!!! as far as the strain i dont no i they were given to me from a friend who forgot what was what. told me it could be cheese,blueberry or northern i think the taller one is northern other four shorter ones i dont no though. let me figure this pic thing out and ill post some again thanks