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  1. t2skills

    Humboldtchronic's 2012 Guerrilla Grow!

    Dont count ur chickens before they hatch.. Good luck my friend.
  2. t2skills

    Mi5 from Sea Of Seeds

    I have 6 Mi5s in 5 Gall bags out side. Looking nice , mine or only about 2 weeks old
  3. t2skills

    2012 T2's Guerilla Grow.

    Thanks Ill post more pictures Friday
  4. t2skills

    buying seeds online

    sea of seeds is awesome. The its a little extra for descret shipping but you wont even realize there there!
  5. t2skills

    2012 T2's Guerilla Grow.

    Today I went to the patch and managed to snap these, Shitty but i felt like some one was watching me. Do any of you guys ever get that feeling? any way The tip of one of my leafs is turning yellow any help please? I think it might be nute burn from when I transplanted it. Thanks any comments/...
  6. t2skills

    Guerrila growing and "The drive back carrying 20 pounds of weed" problem. Any advice?

    Man best time to drive with 20 lbs is never. get a backpack and a bike. Look like a hitchiker
  7. t2skills

    Ryan's Chocolate Tree Grow

    I mean are you harvesting the leafs?
  8. t2skills

    2012 T2's Guerilla Grow.

    Hey boys! long time no see! alot of shit has went down i wont get into. I had to go outta town for a few days and on the some bullshit and all my shit died. Except 6 Mi5s and 1 white widow. My brother felt sorry for me so i scored a Wonder woman Fem seed that is growing nicely., I have another...
  9. t2skills

    piercing plant stems ;-)

    Would it be worth it to stick a iron bar threw your chest? Bet you will big and strong with it there... lol jk man nah dont do it.
  10. t2skills

    Ryan's Chocolate Tree Grow

    Is it a chocolate tree or a bush? for leaves?
  11. t2skills

    Question about seeds I ordered?

    thanks! didnt know if uncle sam was messin with my head :D
  12. t2skills

    Question about seeds I ordered?

    They were from sos, says they were shipped to the US on the 26th. Well i mean "passed over to". When i put the tracking in on the Usps site nothing shows up. Says they didnt recieve them? am I just getting ahead of my self here or did they get picked.
  13. t2skills

    Plants Getting Eaten

    I thought you meant as in deer/ rabbits.
  14. t2skills

    Plants Getting Eaten

    Get a cheese grater and a bar of soap run the soap over the grater and youll have shavings. Sprinkle the shaving in a circle 20 feet or so away from your patch
  15. t2skills

    What came first the chicken or the egg?

    I was just sitting here thinking. and BOOM it hit me. Can you buy pollen online? Lets say. A breeder only sells Feminized, Wonder if they would sell the males pollen? Ive looked online and i havnt found it. Is it me or has anyone else thought of this to?
  16. t2skills

    Too potent pot?

    yea when igot out of jail i hit a vap twice and the world started spinning and I spewed and passed out about 20 minutes later when i hit my bed lol
  17. t2skills

    2012 T2's Guerilla Grow.

    Checking seeds when I get off work in morning. I'll take picture
  18. t2skills

    rooting an android..

    Learn to speak bet speak with me bro
  19. t2skills

    ipower ballast????????any good

    I got one, a black 1000 hps/mh digital. Its good
  20. t2skills

    Mushroom help

    What habitat should I set up for my bags Im about to colonize? I ordered them off ebay. Im new to this mushroom thing. Just experimenting and what not.