Humboldtchronic's 2012 Guerrilla Grow!


Well-Known Member
2012-06-07_18-00-53_348.jpg2012-06-07_18-00-45_805.jpg lets fucking do it 32 plants 12 in 15 gal grow bags20 in the ground used 40 bags of ffof been super buisy but heres and update this spot has 9 in 15 gal grow bags and 3 in holes 20 gals with ffof soil and marine cusine time realrase ferts also just started grow big with my watering 15 pounds is my gosl am nobody is getting in my fucking way mostly all is Og then I got 6 greencrack with my buddy about a 5 mile hike gonna go water there today so ill get some pics up of that location what do you all think?


Mann It looks like your gonna be doing it illegal in the woods. Most likely not but cool as shit tho. Can't wait to see this grow


Well-Known Member
I live in Cali Humboldt county I dont want a 215 lol if its small like this nobody cares ive had vamp circlevmy plot while I was in the brush then they left.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys and idk lol I want a state job and I think it might look bad plus my dad use to work for camp so ya but he said anything under 100 they dont deal with theres just too many growers anyways just picked up 10 more bags of foxfarms so gonna be doing some 10 gal holes then there all in just gotta water which will be a pain in the ass ha so lets fucking do it got Friday off so should have them all dug by 10 in the morning stay tuned all its gonna be one hel of a ride lol.


Well-Known Member
Having a doctors reccomendation doesnt show up on ur record or anything.. thats just a rumor ppl have spread around. Any doctors offices or 420 clinics dont have to share there patient files with anyone.


Well-Known Member
And besides im pretty sure a felony arrest for cultivation and intent to sell a controlled substance will probably interfere with your job more than a 215 card.


Well-Known Member
Ya I suppose your right but oh well lol wish me luck 26 plants aint bad and theres only 13 in each spot my buddy got caught with 10 just make h chop them.