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  1. H

    I have defoliated my plants in the hope to increase my yeild :)

    why are those buds spaced out on the stock like that?
  2. H

    Is this a hermie?? Confusion!!

    don't stress too hard over it just keep a close eye and if it dose make some pollen sack they will be unmistakable
  3. H

    Is this a hermie?? Confusion!!

    I don't see any balls
  4. H

    First Attitude order, which one should I start first

    That NL Blue was a big waste of time for me. Had better smoke from a bag of Mexican dirt
  5. H

    8 bulb 2' T5 Tent

    im building a T5 light atm. whats the 2700k light for?
  6. H

    who hit the skunk ?

    who hit the skunk ?
  7. H

    Question about Flowering & Yellowing Leaves

    well no matter what week your on it aint wine till its time i would start looking into you nute levels in your soil you may have some salts left over from the veg messing up your ph and check to see if you have some light leaking in on you but im no pro at this so im just throwing it out where i...
  8. H

    my grow thread

    how r you liking that tent i have a room in a house here i am growing Barnys LSD was thinking about investing in a 10x20 my self just got to figure out how to keep them down to about 6 foot
  9. H

    Welcome New Members!

    I have come to find that you can grow this stuff with very little trouble the problem in having is my girls have gottin 7+ feet in 2 months from seed. im sure theres a way to keep these things from doing it to me again with out cutting them up. im running 2x 1000W HPS lights veged 4 weeks on 1...