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  1. Qman401

    HELP 25gal 1k ????????

    Hi every one really need help I've grown successfully be for wouldn't call myself a pro but I can hold my own I'm trying to get some info on growing bigger plants I've never done It an know nothing about it so I'm looking for info on here if anyone can possibly help me out with things like how...
  2. Qman401

    help with Cali Connection 818 Headband sour diesel and ogiesel plz

    Wow that looks amazing plz let me kno what u think about the way it smokes when you can
  3. Qman401

    help with Cali Connection 818 Headband sour diesel and ogiesel plz

    @ ganjaman87 thanks for the pic I would really if like if you update me with new ones when you get back also which do you think of a stronger smell sour diesel or the head
  4. Qman401

    help with Cali Connection 818 Headband sour diesel and ogiesel plz

    K sounds good man will really appreciate a update on the ogiesel I just ordered some from attitude I'm waiting on them to come in
  5. Qman401

    help with Cali Connection 818 Headband sour diesel and ogiesel plz

    Thanks a lot man if can post some pics I will really appreciate it also how long are you veggin 4
  6. Qman401

    THC Bomb Mothers in Flower.

    hey thanks for the invitation to follow your journal I would love to hear how the white LSD is doing I can't find any information on it at all so your journal is a dream come true Lol hope you update soon also very sorry about your dog I kno my dog is family so I can only imagine how you feel
  7. Qman401

    help with Cali Connection 818 Headband sour diesel and ogiesel plz

    Hi i want to know if any one has grown 818 Headband sour diesel or ogiesel an if so what u think about it what did u yield and what did u use for a set up witch one u think is better I'm looking for something that smells really strong and has a high to match the smell thanks
  8. Qman401

    Has any one ever grown ??????????

    Wow thanks a lot really appreciate the feedback hope other people will reply to
  9. Qman401

    Has any one ever grown ??????????

    Hi has anyone ever grown white LSD or ice from if so plz tell me your results what u think of them compared to other strains in potency also smell thanks
  10. Qman401

    need help plz

    I'm feeding about 12 mil the recommended dosage is 15mil per gallon and I'm feeding directly to the coco what I don't get is that this is my biggest plant but the only one having trouble
  11. Qman401

    need help plz

    Hi I'm a new mmp and I'm having some problems with one plant it has some yellow spots i don't get it because all my plants get the same amount of water and there all doing good also there on canna starter nutrients plz help tell me what u think