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  1. 419Hemperor

    Glossy Leaves???

    Looks like the little trails thrips leave behind. Do you have any patches of spotting on any of your leaves? Either way I'd at least start off with some neem oil or anything with spinosad in it. I tried Monterey garden insect spray, and it seemed to work really well, although after a month or...
  2. 419Hemperor

    Bug Problem Newbie Grower (Possibly Thrips?)

    Those are definitely thrips bro. Out of the multitude of bugs I've encountered throughout this (my first) year of growing, these are the only one that still plague me. I've been using neem with pyrethrins once a week until they seem to disappear, and mosquito dunks in the soil, but they just...
  3. 419Hemperor

    Thank you uncle ben and others...

    So what kind of nutes do you use? You can't show beautiful results like that without describing how you got them! ;D
  4. 419Hemperor

    What's the point of high power/quality lighting during veg?

    That's good to know! I've only used basic fluorescents before. Do you know what the lumen output is compared to the MH? And how much does the high output setup cost (to buy, it's obviously cheaper to run)?
  5. 419Hemperor

    What's the point of high power/quality lighting during veg?

    It's all about the lumens! Fluorescents put out decent lumes, but they're really only effective up close, so the strength of the light fades much faster with distance as compared to a HID or high output LED. HID's are just more powerful. They produce way more light which penetrates further...
  6. 419Hemperor

    The Importance of Flushing -- too often overlooked

    I'm pretty new at this, but it sounds like you guys are confusing flushing with leeching... Flushing is cutting off nutes before harvest, and leeching (maybe leaching) is where you pour at least twice as much water through the soil so remove excess nutes and salt buildup.
  7. 419Hemperor

    Direction of CFL's

    If you place it horizontally the reflector's kinda useless, so I'd say vertically. ^^
  8. 419Hemperor

    Setting Up A Grow Tent

    I don't know if it matters where the fan goes as long as it's pulling/pushing air out through the filter. I would think it would be easier for the fan to pull the air rather than push it through the filter though.
  9. 419Hemperor

    What IS This?

    I don't have much experience, but leaf curl is often associated with over-feeding. Maybe try every third watering?
  10. 419Hemperor

    I think i have Thrips!

    Thrips were the bane of my grow room for months. The best controls I've found seem to be either pyrethrum or spinosad for killing them on the plant. Monterey Garden spray with spinosad is some awesome stuff. But you'll probably have to kill them in the soil as well, for that I've been using...
  11. 419Hemperor

    The tops are mature! But I failed to prune before flowering. Should I nip em?

    LMAO! With a pic like that you should NOT be talking about mature nips! Thanks for the advice, and for the record, Jack Nickelson is awesome!
  12. 419Hemperor

    Ok RIU. Which of these strains would you grow next?

    Same here, Super Lemon Haze has a short flower time, high yeild, and is apparantly resistant to molds. I have a few friends out here who have had nothing but success with that strain.
  13. 419Hemperor

    The tops are mature! But I failed to prune before flowering. Should I nip em?

    Hello all! This is my first post and my first grow. I've already had soooo many questions answered by the experts here, so I figured it was time I signed up. The question I have (and I'm sorry if it's already been asked/answered hundreds of times, but there are ALOT of threads on this site and I...