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  1. RambunctiousRadish

    Low Stress Training

    Looking for some tips as I'm training some arms! I'm bending over the main stem, most of the plants are not topped, with string and tying around base of plant. It is definitely working to encourage growth on all other arms. Any pointers for training the lower branches? Or a fun technique? Happy...
  2. RambunctiousRadish

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    Amen! A LOT of people are telling growers that causing stress by not watering explodes growth. I know one thing-a sad shrunken, brown dead root ball is not going to produce more flowers!
  3. RambunctiousRadish

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    I crack my seeds in shallow tap water. It takes about 48 hours or less for them to pop and then I transplant them them into their medium. The thing that weirds me out is with any other plant I would use the standard technique you mentioned. I think you just inspired me to stop being a weirdo and...
  4. RambunctiousRadish

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    Thank you for reminding folks there is no magic potion to a successful grow. It is a weed for fucks sake! No nutrient product can make up for bad genes and a bad environment. Luckily we are all masters of our universes here! When I was getting started I went out and bought all sorts of useless...
  5. RambunctiousRadish

    F.M.I.L.Y's Grow

    The mini scrog is precious:) Girls like little things:)
  6. RambunctiousRadish

    F.M.I.L.Y's Grow

    Sour Diesel Blueberry sounds really good!
  7. RambunctiousRadish

    F.M.I.L.Y's Grow

    I never knew chive plants detour mites:). Thanks for the tip! I wonder if it's the pungency?
  8. RambunctiousRadish

    F.M.I.L.Y's Grow

    Hmmm:)...LOVE seeing healthy babies!!!!!!!
  9. RambunctiousRadish

    Need a CHEAP Carbon Filter and duct fan...

    Didn't see you were using a closet:). I recommend this://
  10. RambunctiousRadish

    Need a CHEAP Carbon Filter and duct fan...

    So the odorsok worked?! I'm really impressed! Have you tried it with a larger environment? You said you have had problems with carbon filters and humidity. I've had the same experience with most all the lighter weight filter brands, but have been completely satisfied with CanFan. The only thing...
  11. RambunctiousRadish

    Need a CHEAP Carbon Filter and duct fan...

    No. Your pretty little ladies request you silence your fans without sacrificing airflow:). If you set a speed controller on a 4" fan to low you will probably be pulling about as many cfms as an induction fan. You will sacrifice weight. What you are willing to spend now to comfort your nerves so...
  12. RambunctiousRadish

    Need a CHEAP Carbon Filter and duct fan...

    The CanFan filters, as with most reputable brand carbon filters are not designed for an easy refill. I have heard of folks doing it, but I've never smell tested the results. I have used them more than a year at a time, 24/7, in high heat and high humidity. I have never even needed to throw one...
  13. RambunctiousRadish

    Vented Hoods can save your Grow's life!

    Ever had a bulb explode? Last night I had a 1000w hortilux decide it was on strike! It had blown up inside burning a hole through the glass casing. Then it occurred to me, vented hoods don't just cool your grow, they are an added safety feature too:). With the extra glass shield you really do...
  14. RambunctiousRadish

    Need a CHEAP Carbon Filter and duct fan...

    CanFan filters work the best for high humidity conditions. They are the only brand that uses a particular mix of carbon to combat ruthless humidity. I don't know the science behind it, but I am their customer for life. After trying a number of brands that claim the same results I'm going to...
  15. RambunctiousRadish

    What was your yield after adding a xxxl hood?

    I think the lumens get dispersed slightly better with the increased surface area. And along with the 8" vent, (if your hoods were 6 before), you might be able to get your plants closer to your lights. But 30% might be too high of an estimate if you just have 1000 watts going. The construction...
  16. RambunctiousRadish

    Clonning in water, strange results

    Your clones might have been too moist the first time from your bottle dome and consistent misting? I agree with ru4r34I, clones do not need much attention to root as long as the temperature and humidity are right. Happy baby making!