What was your yield after adding a xxxl hood?


Well-Known Member
Have 4 plants under 1000 watts 18'x20' hood (small I know) well I just purchased a xxxl hood 32'x26'. Fucker cost me 240$ with shipping and was wondering if the juice is gunna be worth the squeeze on this one. Surely other riu'ers have been in the same situation so I would like some feedback. I'm hoping for a 30% yield increase... peace. typing on my phone so it may have a few errors


Well-Known Member
i doubt you will see any yield increase at all unless you grow more plantsor grow larger plants.
My 4 plants this go around cover a 5x5 scrog which is actually 6x6 of growth because I had no more room on my scrog and they went up the sides. Last yield with this setup with 4 plants was 18.6 ozs. this go around ithence why I upgraded.. this. time is a complete jungle and my hood isn't covering my whole growth area. I feel like its gunna help out a lot.
I think the lumens get dispersed slightly better with the increased surface area. And along with the 8" vent, (if your hoods were 6 before), you might be able to get your plants closer to your lights. But 30% might be too high of an estimate if you just have 1000 watts going.
The construction and design is just sweet enough for me to lust for an upgrade! Happy Watting!


Well-Known Member
I can attribute pretty much every increase in yield I've managed to eek out to improved technique and environment. Most growers show marked improvment from crop to crop as a result of experience. I think this is what makes it so easy to sell snake oil in this business. I bet you'll see some increase as a result of getting things dialed in, this purchase may be part of that.


Well-Known Member
if your previous hood was small and rectangular it was ment for veg imo. in my experience they have to be raised to high to get direct light to all corners of your grow area mine being a 4x4 per 1000watts. if you take advantage of the ability to drop your light down more and still get even coverage you should deffenitly increase yeild also might wanna try higher yelding strains if thats your goal

Tony Sativa

I don't think you will add much yield either maybe another once at the most unless you add supercroping or mainlining but you should get better buds overall. With a wider canopy hood you should have more top cola space so ya might want to train plants for that if your not already


Well-Known Member
Im thinking it's gonna help. I know my over lumun per sq foot will be decreased by with that tiny hood that I previously some area weren't getting much lumens at all based on the stretch of that side. here's a pic thats a few days old, it really doesn't give much justice to how thick the canopy is. my hood 37x26 is bigger than I wanted but the only one that I could find that was 8 inches thick. Any thicker and im gunna be to close to my plants.


Well-Known Member
Wow that's a shitty pic. tinypic.com wasn't working right for me. but to the far left is a chemdawg that has stretched ridicously. hoping that bigger hood will help give it some light. Have medicine man, acapulco gold, chemdawg, and confidential cheese. all veged for 2 months except the mm was veged a month. have 100+ 6-10 inch tops in the screen may be a little too thick but we shall see. peace


Well-Known Member
you would notice more if you had all the same strain and did the same thing from run to run so you could tell the differnce but idk i have seen differences in the way things grow from diferent hoods (adjust a wing to hydrofarm reflector years ago) this was side by side with 400w

Lucius Vorenus

Well-Known Member
Just ordered a handful of these myself. What type of footprint can you get with them? Apparently they are like 39" and im hoping to be able to get 5 plants under each comfortably.


Well-Known Member
i have 5 plants comfortably under mine, could fit 6

12/12 from clone, currently 1.5 - 2 feet tall.


Well-Known Member
Growing vertically or do you supercrop etc?
not doing anything to them this run. was first run from seed, so im narrowing down the keeper pheno.
and I actually have 9 plants under the 1 light. 5 under the other.

running 600w's for the time being, but will be upping to 1000 when my bulbs need replacing.

anyone who likes XXXL hoods should look up the big bud from growopltd. paid 180 for my 8". at the local hydro


Well-Known Member
im also running my light right on top of these.
if you are willing to lift the light some, you could fit 6 short plants with supercropping fairly easy.

i will be running 4 large plants per hood with light rails.

Lucius Vorenus

Well-Known Member
not doing anything to them this run. was first run from seed, so im narrowing down the keeper pheno.
and I actually have 9 plants under the 1 light. 5 under the other.

running 600w's for the time being, but will be upping to 1000 when my bulbs need replacing.

anyone who likes XXXL hoods should look up the big bud from growopltd. paid 180 for my 8". at the local hydro
ive already got the XXXL 8' Ochos comin i was just curious what the spread can be expected. im happy with 5 each.