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  1. C

    my kid

    You're not being a hardass you're teaching her responsibility. She'll hate it now, she'll tell stories about it when she's grown, but she'll be better for it. On another note, a marijuana forum board is not a good place to seek parenting advice, as stoned people tend to say things they don't...
  2. C

    Penny For your Thoughts! New Grower!
  3. C

    Penny For your Thoughts! New Grower!

    These are really stretched. You should replant the stems (I may be wording that incorrectly). I believe there's a post it somewhere on this site about it. I'll find it and post a link for you.
  4. C

    Somebody needs to get their Grandma off stage. Flashing nipples and sh*t.

    For her age I think she's still looking pretty good.
  5. C

    bottom leaves are starting to turn yellow n pale

    You need perlite. How big is your pot? What kind of nutes are you using? And how old is this plant? It looks a bit young for this kind of damage... Is this your first grow?
  6. C

    piercing plant stems ;-)

    Seems to me this thread spends way too much time worrying about who Unlucky is rather than it's intended purpose of discussing piercing plant stems for optimum buds. Who cares who's behind the screen? As long as the person isn't LEO, live and let live.
  7. C

    I just heard as of 2013 or something they are changing the laws regarding Medical MJ?

    I, for one, hope they don't close down the dispensaries. I liked having one safe place I could go to to buy my meds. I don't want to buy from some dealer and I can't grow my own right now. I have my 215 it's just that it's not possible for me to do it in my current living situation. My...
  8. C

    piercing plant stems ;-)

    I've just recently heard about piercing plant stems. I can't for the life of me figure out who thought this would be a good idea and why. But if you're going to try it, let us know how it goes.
  9. C

    Is a greenhouse suspect?

    Do you live in a state with MMJ laws? If you don't all it's going to take is a little suspicion for them to check the greenhouse, and really they can make that up. All they have to do is say they received an anonymous call that someone was growing marijuana in the greenhouse and they can...
  10. C

    Not an Indian giver

    The term "Indian Giver" is terrible. The coins I can see you being upset over because they kind of have a sentimental gift hint to them. Plus the person receiving the gift was your s.o. But the TV, you gave it to her. You shouldn't care what she does with it after. And if you think you're...