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  1. Vir.CDXX

    How can I make money?

    A few years ago, between my fast food jobs i would try to figure out ways to make money online, I had a good amount of time to invest, checked out selling digital or physical goods, content creation, mailing lists, advertising, data entry, and straight freelancing. Its not worth doing surveys...
  2. Vir.CDXX

    Aurora Indica Harvest - 155 days from seed. ~40 oz

    looks like 10 ozs tops. My guess would be around 5-7 but that just what my eye says. good job either way, my 3 plant pull prolly wont even be that much V_V
  3. Vir.CDXX

    yard smell??

    workiing on my first cure. basically the same thing, smelt very purple then switched over to a musky light grape smell, to sometimes haylike, then switched back to purply, then hay muskyness... so just need more time everyones saying?
  4. Vir.CDXX

    New 1000 Watt grow setup for sale

    Seems like i paid less for my 1000w setup that sounds pretty close to what your trying to get rid of. Shitty heat makes it a paperweight right now though. Good luck slinging it, how much does a tent go for?
  5. Vir.CDXX

    Do you really need to trim?

    Your kinda making a good point, hmm...
  6. Vir.CDXX

    My First Grow!!!100% Organic Medical Garden

    hopefully not at that perspective. would be leaving mad tracers looking at part of that HPS bulb edit: hmm maybe its not that bright..idk my 600w hurts if i start gazing up at them.
  7. Vir.CDXX

    GDP, Sensi Star, and Mystery Strain Harvest Opinions. 55+ Days Flower

    well going in for the triple post with some info so far on the GDP. Been a coupla days hanging in 80-85 degree temps with humidity at 45-50%. checked this morning (last morning i guess for me) and it all seemed to be getting crispy, but still had some moisture. Just Jarred them up a little bit...
  8. Vir.CDXX

    hanging bulbs vertically.....

    three pages to get to look at the box. Ty.
  9. Vir.CDXX

    increase THC with new lights

    no, i didnt watch the video from the article if thats what your talking about. guess ill check it out.
  10. Vir.CDXX

    increase THC with new lights

    the link just gave some rehashed article about lighting. I dont see a new light that boosts 'thc'. I understand the uv stuff and yes im pretty sure mh is a good secondary light for flowering, but all i see from this link is article rewriting almost. From what i can tell your talking about...
  11. Vir.CDXX

    HPS question

    my hps is about a foot away (maybe a little closer actually)and worked great for 3 of my girls.
  12. Vir.CDXX

    My First Grow!!!100% Organic Medical Garden

    exactly. the plants do let you know whats up... pretty sure i heard gdp dont mind heavier amounts of nitrogen during veg... i never messed around with it though... but i did have the whole girl yellow up at the end. could be correlated, maybe not
  13. Vir.CDXX

    My First Grow!!!100% Organic Medical Garden

    I had high temp issues so i didnt get any purpling that i can tell so far, and she also ended up being more stressed out in the end and yellowed out on me and got a little burnt so i harvested it at 62 days flower. seemed like it could have used a few more days but dont look bad so far :D...
  14. Vir.CDXX

    Ph in soil grow

    "The following points can also be responsible for nutrient lockout. PH is incorrect or fluctuates. Single pack hydroponic solutions. Salt build up. A chemical reaction between 2 or more nutrient solutions that are mixed together. " Quoted from...
  15. Vir.CDXX

    My First Grow!!!100% Organic Medical Garden

    Nice pool of genetics. GDP was fun to grow out, not to many issues for my first grow. Might keep an eye on this, GL
  16. Vir.CDXX

    hydro seems like its not worth the effort.

    Thats what ive keep seeing pushed around statistically, 30%. Hydro didnt like my newb hands. switched to soil after i killed 3 clones with hydroton powder :|
  17. Vir.CDXX

    increase THC with new lights

    Read through the first paragraph or two, sounds gimmicky as hell. If anyone understands SEO and keywords and shit then youll understand. the keyword density for hydroponics was like BAM. lol just noticed it was a blog V_v. where is this product?
  18. Vir.CDXX

    Ph in soil grow

    i would say it could be possible. Use a crapload of one nute and ph it correctly, still causing lockout?
  19. Vir.CDXX

    Harvested top bud

    hmm sounds about where i was at with my pull. IMO i dont think its premature so its gotta be the cure?
  20. Vir.CDXX

    Salvia experiences?

    I few years back when salvia was legal in my state i got really into ethnobotanicals or w/e and grabbed up what im pretty sure was an Oz for like 13 bucks; of dried leaf. To tell you the truth, you can achieve pretty high states just with the leaf, but for convenience i do understand the...