Harvested top bud


Well-Known Member
On day 60, I harvested my top bud from my 8 ball kush, which was 2 days ago.... I hung it up upside down and the temp is 70 and humidity is between 46-54 percent. It's also in a dark place (not pitch dark). I have a fan blowing on it barely (fan air barely touches it) in a open space..... My questions are

1.) Is this a good environment ??
2.) How important is to turn the buds so air gets to other side of bud ??
3.) It has been dry for 2 days now and i smoked some out of my bowl (high was ok maybe good) how does me smoking it only 2 days later effect the potency ?? Is it gonna be more potent after it drys and cures properly ???

Sean Tom

Well-Known Member
of course it will taste and smoke better after a good dry and cure. a good cure is at least a month. and longer and longer the better


Well-Known Member
Ok but does 2 days after a harvest weed usually get you high ?? Cause mine really didn't, maybe just a little.


how did the trichs, pistols, overall bud ripeness looks like. after two days my premie bud smelt like sugar and just hit smooth with no flavor, had a lil kick to it tho


Well-Known Member
My tricomes are like 70% milky, 25% clear and 3-5% amber ???. The pistols are all orange, and about 75% of them resided into the bud, these are about the ripest buds... Also the rippest buds leaves have turned purple and started to get that brittle feel.


hmm sounds about where i was at with my pull. IMO i dont think its premature so its gotta be the cure?


New Member
Perfect environment. Great temp and humidity, weak breeze from fan not directly on bud, dark place. Nothing wrong with pitch dark if you can get it that dark.

You don't need to turn the buds, just let em hang.

I'm sure dry and cure has some effect on potency but probably very little. It more about aroma, taste and smoothness. If your bud isn't potent it's most likely genetics or a bad growing environment.


Well-Known Member
Thehole I had ph issues for about a month now.... The buds have a very nice aroma, however after 2 days from the chop, the weed has little effect on me??????????


Well-Known Member
I'm just a beginner grower (1st harvest) but I read that freshly cut weed (2 days) isn't gonna be potent.


New Member
So how much longer should I go ??? ------With drying? If yes, 5-10 days depending on size of buds and environment. I always heard wait until the stems dry enough so when you bend them they crack and not bend, but I don't go that long. You'll notice your buds will shrink in dry, when the stems get to the point where they almost crack and break is when I throw them in glass mason jars to cure. Just be sure to open mason jars every 6-8 hours for about a half-hour the first few days in case the buds aren't dry fully. Then open jars less often as the days and weeks go on.

I had ph issues for about a month now.... The buds have a very nice aroma, however after 2 days from the chop, the weed has little effect on me??????????------Well that's obviously not a good sign. Good genetics grown properly will have noticeable potency when smoked even if it's not fully dried and cured yet.


I'm just a beginner grower (1st harvest) but I read that freshly cut weed (2 days) isn't gonna be potent.-------This is part of the process of just beginning to grow. Mistakes. I can't say for myself if freshly harvest weed isn't as potent as weed that has been dried and cured properly as I have never smoked my weed before 2 weeks of curing. But I don't think the potency loss, if there is any, in freshly harvested bud, would be so great that it doesn't get you high.
I give out my bud to friends at different stages and even freshly harvested buds have gotten lifelong daily smokers very high. It's not a good sign if you can't get that high off fresh bud.



Well-Known Member
I started getting high temps in my res, which caused the ph to drop in the 4.5 range ( the whole last month)....8 ball kush feminished is the stran........ Also this was the top bud, it might have been to close to the light (at times it was about 6 inches from a 175hps) it also looked different than the other buds I got going...


New Member
OK. You are doing hydro. I really shouldn't go too deep into this because I have zero experience in hydroponics.

Are you using 100% organic nutes, chemicals or a mixture of both? If fully organic, at least in soil, pH is meaningless. But again, in hydro I don't know.

But a 4.5 pH in a non-organic grow the last month would be a disaster IMO.

Hmm. 6 inches from a 175 watter isn't bad, may have heat related issues when compared to the other buds.

That strain is suppose to be good for beginners. Not the most potent strain but you should of caught a good buzz from the fresh bud. Barney's Farm usually has great genetics.

I'd just dry it until stems are almost ready to snap, and cure it in mason jars for a good two weeks and test then.


Well-Known Member
I started getting high temps in my res, which caused the ph to drop in the 4.5 range ( the whole last month)....8 ball kush feminished is the stran........ Also this was the top bud, it might have been to close to the light (at times it was about 6 inches from a 175hps) it also looked different than the other buds I got going...
Dude. Toss that hydro shit, go buy some 5 gallon pots (screw 3 gallons cuz you'll be buying frigging 5 gallons and on).and some Fox Farms Ocean Forest. It's high dollar and worth every nickle to inexperienced growers!!!!!!!!

Need I repeat any of that? Forget any damned nutrients , the next pitfall of inexperience. FF soil HAS nutes and enough for a month (I know 3 weeks guy but he's got hydro so a month would still get his plants high).

Then, buy Advanced Nutrients Sensi Grow A & B. 16 ML of each /gallon of water. At one month, water with that. By then you'll have read much more on here from much more experienced growers than me.

Sean Tom

Well-Known Member
freshly cut weed will not have the effect on you as dried weed. Drying converts the non-active acid compounds into psychoactive THC. Fresh marijuana that hasn't been dried will not get you high.


Well-Known Member
Quick question: I am cutting top buds and they don't really have a stem to snap. Is there another way to tell if buds are dry ?????


Well-Known Member
Can you tell by weight. The one bud I just cut weighs 5.8g, do I know there dry if they get down to 3g ???????


New Member
freshly cut weed will not have the effect on you as dried weed. Drying converts the non-active acid compounds into psychoactive THC. Fresh marijuana that hasn't been dried will not get you high.
He said he dried it for 2 days. I know that's not long enough to dry a top bud in most cases but he says he didn't get high at all. If it's good weed you should definitely be able to get high off it even if it's only been dried for 2 days. Curing does nothing for potency, only taste and aroma.

EDIT: I now see he said it did get him a "good" high. So a few more days in dry should help with potency. I disagree,
THC breaks down into CBN and various other cannabinoids and terpines as it cures leaving less THC, but better tasting bud with an adjusted potency that allows the high to last longer, not necessarily meaning it's stronger or more potent in THC.

Either way, one shouldn't be toking on their grow until after a good week of cure. I should of left it at that.


New Member
If you have no stem to bend just go by look and feel. A wet 6 gram bud should take no more then 5 days to dry in your conditions. As for potency I misread you. I thought you said it didn't get you high at all, but I see you said it got you a good high. So allowing it to dry should make the potency a little better. I made the mistake by saying drying does not make potency better, drying definitely does help with potency as Sean Tom said the psychoactive THC come to life by drying. But, I have given many fresh samples away both at immediate cut and at 1 day and 2 day dry and the response was everyone got very high. So maybe your strain will get better with time in dry. I've honestly never smoked weed that hasn't been both dried and cured.