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  1. richardhocutt

    Aquaponics insanity...

    I have 3 other fish tanks.... no need to move fish or turtle... I will just start over in a new tank... with a new setup ..
  2. richardhocutt

    Aquaponics insanity...

    Thanks! :)
  3. richardhocutt

    Aquaponics insanity...

    Hey I appreciate the help... btw this is my first grow... ever lol.... I know the science is on my side... just need more money to make it work honestly.... i will pick this back up lager but for now im going to go with a method that's sure to work... :) Need something to smoke ya know!!!
  4. richardhocutt

    Aquaponics insanity...

    I think it might be able to work on a huge scale.... but that's something I have neither the time nor the money for... but I say I think I gave it a good try none the less... :(
  5. richardhocutt

    Aquaponics insanity...

    The tank is working fine... fish thrive... just not enough nutrients.... and the tank has cycled several times... without any problems other than not enooigh nutrients... and I've had fishtanks all my life I know how to keep them up...
  6. richardhocutt

    Aquaponics insanity...

    Obviously I would run a pond pump to like a green house to the plants
  7. richardhocutt

    Aquaponics insanity...

    I see... so I need to switch my setup around and have straight hydro instead.... damn... let me ask you this... do you think it could work on a huge scale???? Say I had a large pond.... think I could make that work a little better?
  8. richardhocutt

    Aquaponics insanity...

    Phosphorus isn't an issue... I have a fireplace... lol.. but pottasium might be a problem.... so your saying its gonna be a slow grow? Any ideas to get proper nutes for faster growth so I can smoke already... lol
  9. richardhocutt

    Aquaponics insanity...

    But if all that works hunky dory.... why the f$#% do my plants keep dying... its really aggravating... and btw... the roots are in complete darkness.... you moron.... I enjoy tinkering and learning, trying to improve upon other peoples ideas... not follow suite... I could but a $20 kit but where...
  10. richardhocutt

    Aquaponics insanity...

    No filter... 4 months up and running.... no dead fish other than what the turtle kills... two 10 inch bubble stones in the grow box directly in the gravel... you can hear them bubbling like crazy... no algae at all and that suprises me... everything works fine.... I also have live plants to...
  11. richardhocutt

    Aquaponics insanity...

    I personally don't think its high ammonia levels... otherwise woildnt my fish start dying off??? And also I have to have all those fish cause Bowser (snapping turtle) has to eat...
  12. richardhocutt

    Aquaponics insanity...

    The first pic is the hose off the pump, pumping into the grow box... it then runs downhill, out of the bottom holes on the growbox... where it trickles back into the main tank, kinda acting as the filter for all the fish crap... I run this 2 hours on 4 hours off... and the last pic is of the...
  13. richardhocutt

    Aquaponics insanity...

    Well... the last one died from root rot... I basically have a drain system setup.... let me take a few pics and get back to you...
  14. richardhocutt

    Aquaponics insanity...

    Why do you say I need to cycle the tank? I understand the flood/ drain... but I did a 30% change about 2 weeks ago... water stays crystal clear all the time... and no.... unfortunantly money is tight but im working on getting all the tests required for a successful grow...
  15. richardhocutt

    Algae/Flushing Question

    Honestly, if the algea problem seems to be going away, I would keep doing what your doing... As far as flushing goes, I would just run water through it,( along with a healthy dose of H2O2... Hope this helps... Depending on how high your water temps get that could also have alot to do with your...
  16. richardhocutt

    Heaths Flooded Tube Vertical

    If the roots are costantly submerged in the water flowing through the pipes... Why dont they get root rot then? This is something that I just dont understand...
  17. richardhocutt

    Aquaponics insanity...

    What do you mean? Why even do it? I want to smoke some MJ, that I grew... Reason nuff???
  18. richardhocutt

    Aquaponics insanity...

    Ive been banging my head against the wall with this one... If its not one thing... Its most definitly another... However, I have been having some success lately. This is week one trial... too many... In this setup, I am running a 500 watt hps,2- 10 inch bubble stones in the grow box, 55gal...