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  1. R

    Smoking Non-dry buds

    Lmfao what are those there not buds if you need a smoke that bad just go out and buy a bit did make me laugh tho :)
  2. R

    What to feed plants that are not ready yet

    thanks guys im using rockwool and pebbles hydro system yep i understand the 2 weeks before doing that now but a few of the plants are not going to be ready but a few will so thats what im asking do i go back to week 7 food or is the ph water going to be ok for the plants that are not ready
  3. R

    What to feed plants that are not ready yet

    Hi first time grow just need to ask a question have 9 plants 8th week of flower used ripen on week 8 next week flush just ph water but some plants not ready how do i feed those will the water be ok till they finish or do i have to go back to week 7 feed thanks in advance .
  4. R

    Humidity Help please

    Got a new dehumidifier now its got a hose coming out the back and heat is being expelled into the garden , i now have 55 to 57 humidity and temp is 75 77 everything going well will stick few more pics up soon only few weeks left looking good, thanks for help everybody :).
  5. R

    Humidity Help please

    Cheers will have to get a dehumidifier with control settings on it so i can set humidity thanks for your help guys.
  6. R

    Humidity Help please

    Fresh air is coming in from garden managed to get it down to 69 today have a little midi dehumidi, been told that i should cut off all small branches and bud sites on all plants at the bottom so the air can circulate at the bottom of the tent.
  7. R

    Humidity Help please

    Hi need a bit of help with humidity ive got 3 12inch fans and an intake of fresh air from garden but my humidity is still 81 to 85 ohh and air cooled light with air being blown out into garden aswell, my temp is ok 77 to 80 max will i get problems with my humidity that high as im a bit panicky...
  8. R

    plant problem need help

    Thanks super but found out what the problem was not been fed for 5 days, little arrow on timer did not change it back, when changed amount of time for feeds, prob take a few days to recover now . Noob error :)
  9. R

    plant problem need help

    hi there i have 4/9 of my plants over night look stressed and have a problems im using airpots with rockwall and pebbles general hydroponics 3 part food on a drip system they get feed 3 times a day yesterday they were fine but over night they lost there smell and the lower...