What to feed plants that are not ready yet


Hi first time grow just need to ask a question have 9 plants 8th week of flower used ripen on week 8 next week flush just ph water but some plants not ready how do i feed those will the water be ok till they finish or do i have to go back to week 7 feed thanks in advance .


Well-Known Member
If growing in soil, feed them up until 2 weeks before harvest. Flush then feed straight water until harvest.


Well-Known Member
some people also let their soil dehydrate so it sucks up the remaining nutes, and flush. this can help kick it into finishing quicker


thanks guys im using rockwool and pebbles hydro system yep i understand the 2 weeks before doing that now but a few of the plants are not going to be ready but a few will so thats what im asking do i go back to week 7 food or is the ph water going to be ok for the plants that are not ready[h=3][/h]


Well-Known Member
thanks guys im using rockwool and pebbles hydro system yep i understand the 2 weeks before doing that now but a few of the plants are not going to be ready but a few will so thats what im asking do i go back to week 7 food or is the ph water going to be ok for the plants that are not ready
Each plant is different, treat them as such.