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  1. billsmurray

    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    Hello All, Quick Question - Thanks For sharing your Knowledge. I am in the 2ed week of flower, with god bud, using the full line of canna - drip to waste - substra nutes. I am in rockwool slabs. Have noticed leaves are getting burned at 920 ppm. Using the Eutech .65 ppm conversion. Have...
  2. billsmurray

    I was doing so goo!!! Wtf is happening???

    I was doing some research, I have also come up with the possibility of needing to water more frequently, Currently 2 hr after lights on for 2 min, once mid-day for one min, and once 2 hr before lights off. CURRENTLY IN VEG. Should i remove " a minute" in the morning and add that minute...
  3. billsmurray

    Holy shit i was doing great??? Wtf happend?

    I was doing some research, I have also come up with the possibility of needing to water more frequently, Currently 2 hr after lights on for 2 min, once mid-day for one min, and once 2 hr before lights off. CURRENTLY IN VEG. Should i remove " a minute" in the morning and add that minute...
  4. billsmurray

    I was doing so goo!!! Wtf is happening???

    I have plants about four week old in 3x3 rockwool cubes, For the most part they look pretty healthy. The root tips on the bottom of the cubes have started to look burned?? I recently upped my PPM to full Streangth Vegg per CANNAS online feeding chart, I am at 650 PPM With RO water. The...
  5. billsmurray

    I was doing so goo!!! Wtf is happening???

    I have plants about four week old in 3x3 rockwool cubes, For the most part they look pretty healthy. The root tips on the bottom of the cubes have started to look burned?? I recently upped my PPM to full Streangth Vegg per CANNAS online feeding chart, I am at 650 PPM With RO water. The...
  6. billsmurray

    Holy shit i was doing great??? Wtf happend?

    I have plants about four week old in 3x3 rockwool cubes, For the most part they look pretty healthy. The root tips on the bottom of the cubes have started to look burned?? I recently upped my PPM to full Streangth Vegg per CANNAS online feeding chart, I am at 650 PPM With RO water. The...
  7. billsmurray


    how could the light being to close have anything to do with half of them showing this symptom?? I did not even give any info on the hight of my light. There is no salt build up. YOU WOULD KNOW THIS IF YOU READ WHAT MY RUN OFF PPM IS COMPARED TO MY START PPM.
  8. billsmurray


    Were they in rockwool cubes? How often where they fed?
  9. billsmurray


    Thanks for stopping by senior, I highly believe the cubes are over saturated, however, if I were to run my dripers for 5 min, I would be losing a SHIT LOAD of run off, As I said, i start to achieve run off after the pump running for just 16 seconds. Do you think maybe 2 min or three min in...
  10. billsmurray


    Thanks for stoping by and sharing your time and knowledge My plants are about 21 days old from seed Still on 18/6 They are in 3x3 rockwool cubes, which were soaked in 5.1 for 24 hrs. Out of 8 Plants, Same strain, God bud. Half of them have wrinkled leaves, Slight tip curves. The other 4 look...
  11. billsmurray


    Thanks for stoping by and sharing your time and knowledge My plants are about 21 days old from seed Still on 18/6 They are in 3x3 rockwool cubes, which were soaked in 5.1 for 24 hrs. Out of 8 Plants, Same strain, God bud. Half of them have wrinkled leaves, Slight tip curves. The other 4 look...
  12. billsmurray

    WRINKLED LEAVES!!!!!!! What do you think. THANKS FOR STOPING BY

    Thanks for stoping by and sharing your time and knowledge My plants are about 21 days old from seed Still on 18/6 They are in 3x3 rockwool cubes, which were soaked in 5.1 for 24 hrs. Out of 8 Plants, Same strain, God bud. Half of them have wrinkled leaves, Slight tip curves. The other 4 look...
  13. billsmurray

    Foliar WATERING ------- Simple PH question ------ Thanks for stoping by ----

    Good Morning Green Thumbs, Quick Question, I have some seedlings that are just shy of 4 weeks old, My question is this, Do I need to PH Correct My RO water To say 5.5 -5.8 before spraying on the leaves. Out of the RO My water is at 6.4. They are currently in 3x3 rockwool cubes. Thanks for...
  14. billsmurray

    Wtf this does not make since

    Man if I could pass more rep your way I defiantly would........Thanks for sharing your knowledge. It is much appreciated. :clap:
  15. billsmurray

    My " cotyledon leaves " are yellow. The baby ones

    So you do not aerate your nute res at all? Just want to make sure I am understanding this correct....... Does your system recriculate your nutes then? Thanks for stopping by. Hope your halloween is great man! scare the shit out of those hoodlems
  16. billsmurray

    My " cotyledon leaves " are yellow. The baby ones

    Jondamon - What has been your experience using an aeration stone in the CANNA NUTES? I have read in their Pamphlets the do not recommend one, Due to PH swings caused by the bubbles. They recommend a recirculating pump instead. WHAT DO YOU DO SENIOR?
  17. billsmurray

    My " cotyledon leaves " are yellow. The baby ones

    Senior, you are possibly correct....... my PH pens are calibrated.....all 3 of them....... What do you believe could have caused this? I am aware that CANNA RHIZOTONIC is a PH upper...... I believe this could have caused it, the only other things added were Canna Substra Vega A & B...
  18. billsmurray

    My " cotyledon leaves " are yellow. The baby ones

    Jondamon - Hey thanks for the fast reply, having the right support is making my head hurt alot less. lol I was aware of waiting for the nutes to settle before ph'ing, i let them settle for about an hour and half. I have corrected the PH to 5.5 and feed the ladies their first batch of nutes...
  19. billsmurray

    Wtf this does not make since

    HELPP ME PLEASE. So I have mixed up my First Nute batch using RO water. RO water PH- 6.4 PH of nute mix after mixing - 9.4 I was under the impression that when you add nutes the PH of the water was supposed to drop, not raise? What is your experience with this situation. Thanks for...
  20. billsmurray

    My " cotyledon leaves " are yellow. The baby ones

    Man I will defiantly take a look at it, First hand experience is hard to match with a book. Thanks for stoping by and sharing. What do you think about the unadjusted PH of my mixed up nutes??