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  1. M

    Who's battling root aphids?!

    For those that recommended Bayer Tree and Shrubs, you really gotta hit them up with a high dosage of IMID, or else, whatever aphids that survived will build an immunity to it. I've tried them with mild to low dosage, and still see them moving, and eventually stepped it up to the higher dosage...
  2. M

    Optimal Temp and RH for veg and flower?

    thanks, much appreciated
  3. M

    Optimal Temp and RH for veg and flower?

    I know that each strain is different in what they call as the perfect growing environment, so just looking for the general temp and RH for both veg and flower... I'm currently running veg at about 75-80 temp, and 40-45RH For flowering, I was told to keep it at 70-75 temp, and keep the RH as...