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  1. NOblenoMAD

    SouthKorea GrowOperation (Hashberry) 3rd grow

    nice to see you back jay. i read what u sed about feeding them some more because of the yellowing lower this point i wouldnt worry about it because the plants are just using that nitrogen to giv the buds that last boost of juice...let em do their thing
  2. NOblenoMAD

    Ever called out when buying supplies?

    hahahahaha lmao.....lime juice?? sounds like a greaaaaattt idea. ppl usually do get confused tho unless u ask for dolomite lime
  3. NOblenoMAD

    asf2j's mini-fridge grow done right.

    heres a seedbank i was gona order from after doing tons of research.....LegendsSeeds.Com your online source for Marijuana Seeds. thank god i dont hav to order tho, so much stress getting some seeds that a frend is bringing back with him from switzerland where apparently the laws...
  4. NOblenoMAD

    asf2j's mini-fridge grow done right.

    hey man i just read ur mini grow and dont worry, ur gona be fine. at least u hadnt grown ur plants for 2 months with seeds brought bak from amsterdam and THEN had them die. ur on the right track. u hav ur research and u hav good ideas, just keep reading and trust me there is still a lot more to...
  5. NOblenoMAD

    1st (Official) Closet CFL Grow

    unfortunately my grow has been compromised. a fight led to the sabotage of my plants and the person i fought with unplugged all my lights one day when i wasnt home and left the closet door wide open. by the time i got home a couple days later they were wilted. on a better note, the kush somehow...
  6. NOblenoMAD

    My First Grow - White Widow & Trainwreck

    sorry im late. nice and plump. kudos my frend. peace, nomad
  7. NOblenoMAD

    1st (Official) Closet CFL Grow

    the shaman plant is budding beautifully, i counted 12 or 13 bud sites. i wishhhh u guys could see all those virgin white hairs reaching for some manjuice. i hope they get big....but i really dont know what to expect. the kush plant is showing a lot of growth in the lower areas and i THINK...
  8. NOblenoMAD

    My First grow

    hey metal, looking very nice. good job....keep taking care of them and all those 5-blade leaves will be a thing of the past and ur plant will start developing a lot more 7-9blade leaves. its usually a sign of good growing conditions. nonetheless, much love and great job man. p.s. i like how u...
  9. NOblenoMAD

    1st (Official) Closet CFL Grow

    Here are some new pictures guys. better quality than the mobile pics, but still not as good as they are gonna get....had to borrow a camera and beggars cant be choosers huh? anyway here goes.... peace, nomad
  10. NOblenoMAD

    My First grow

    yea i dont see anything definitive yet but that also means its not definitely a male so look on the bright side. lol. are u sure that theyre getting 12 hours of COMPLETE darkness? cuz if they dont get that, they get all confused about wut season it is and wut theyre supposed to be doing
  11. NOblenoMAD

    1st (Official) Closet CFL Grow

    thanks for that jordann! sorry bout not posting last nite, my gf is in the middle of a move so ill see wut i can do for today's update. check back later
  12. NOblenoMAD

    1st (Official) Closet CFL Grow

    thanks man. how does the rep thing work on this site? is it just how many times i post or wut? thank u email. hopefully tonite i will upload some better quality pics of my youngest plant. i think its a N def. cuz i had to flower it a lil early. anybody know about light times for clones? i...
  13. NOblenoMAD

    SouthKorea GrowOperation (Hashberry) 3rd grow

    looking great J. been following the whole way through. so proud lol. i finally started the journal i had promised. check it in my signature
  14. NOblenoMAD

    1st (Official) Closet CFL Grow

    the new growths lower on the plant are getting a lot more light and are reaching upwards....gonna have some niiiiiice budsbongsmilie ill update again in a few hours wen the lights are back on. gona make some fresh co2 as well. Thanks for joining me guys. peace, nomad
  15. NOblenoMAD

    1st (Official) Closet CFL Grow

    time for some low stress training. a little late, i know but its worked for me so far. i ve been doing it gradually day by day or two and its looking beautiful. pic 2 is the clone after 4 days. this will make up for the shaman plant i lost in the accident.:cry: but its ok cuz this was the...
  16. NOblenoMAD

    1st (Official) Closet CFL Grow

    they were pushing 2ft at this point and i lowered the shelf a lil less than a foot to give some breathing room and some more space for the lights
  17. NOblenoMAD

    1st (Official) Closet CFL Grow

    im flowering. about 2 1/2 weeks in. u'll see for urself though. its nothing crazy yet and I have 3 plants left now as well as a clone of the shaman and word tetra
  18. NOblenoMAD

    1st (Official) Closet CFL Grow

    May 9th. Enjoy...more in a few
  19. NOblenoMAD

    1st (Official) Closet CFL Grow

    haha thanks hothouse! welcome to the speed thread. lol. once these pics are done though, you guys will have to stick around and talk and wait like a normal thread:roll: cant wait for it though peace, nomad
  20. NOblenoMAD

    1st (Official) Closet CFL Grow

    Pics of more of the plants...all are thriving