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  1. F

    Smoke Weed With Tobacco???

    Here in Sweden everyone smokes weed mixed with tobacco in joints/spliffs. There are both pros and cons with this: Pros: Stays lit, if u smoke tobacco you don't have to smoke both a cigarette and a joint, if the weed/hash is strong it's easier as u don't have to roll up a really small one, you...
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    prunning a plant

    Did u ever think about why the leaves are there in the first place?
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    Sweden's view on drugs

    Wow, can't believe I forgot the link -_-
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    Sweden's view on drugs

    Alright guys, reporting in from Sweden. The problem with this country is that our leaders are sooooo fucking stuck up, they think they are the best and that all other countries see Sweden as the top country in the world, which is not the case :) This is a small clip showing a debate between...
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    Another Shroom noob!

    I wouldn't recommend a too small a dose, if u don't get over the treshold well enough the risk is you won't have a pleasant trip. You probably know that on your way up you might feel nauseous for like half an hour or so until the wonderful feelings strike you. If you don't eat enough you may...
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    Another Shroom noob!

    Depending on what kind of shroom of course, first and only time for me so far I ate about 2,5 grams of mexican cubensis grounded into a fine powder. Seemed to be a nice dose, perhaps could have taken a little more. If you don't want to wait until December, surely some of your parents will go on...
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    Gnomo outdoors

    Got any pic of the total harvest? Would be great if you could update with dry weight as well :)
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    Unconventional Organics

    As some already mentioned, urine is a really great fertilizer. Here in Sweden people use it all the time, dilute it with water (1 part urine, 2-10 parts water depending on if the soil is already wet and how much nutes your plant can handle) and water. It's called "golden water". I read on some...
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    My First Grow!! Nirvana Short Rider !! OUTDOOR GROW

    Hi, looking really good. I'm also a first time grower growing outdoors in scandinavia (close to Göteborg), however my strain of choice is the auto ak47 by norden seeds. I planted mine on the spot some days after you, and therefore they grew a bit slow in the beginning. Now they are quite big and...
  10. F

    who thinks that they got the biggest outdoor plant so far this season?!!

    Sup guys, My first grow ever, outdoors in Sweden. Local strain auto/fem ak47*LR2 (not easy ryder) Started to show pre-flowers some week ago, i guess u can see the flowers building up... First 4 pics are of the same baby, she's the 2nd biggest. Next 3 same plant, some slugs/snails raped her...