Sweden's view on drugs

Alright guys, reporting in from Sweden. The problem with this country is that our leaders are sooooo fucking stuck up, they think they are the best and that all other countries see Sweden as the top country in the world, which is not the case :)

This is a small clip showing a debate between two european politicians, Sofia Modigh from sweden, and some dude from England. Watch and enjoy, or don't...


As the clip title says, Swedish drug poicy in a nutshell.

However, I'm sure Sweden will change opinion once countries like the US and others do.

Edit: Don't forget: "Drug is drugs"! :wall:


Well-Known Member
They seem as knowledgeable as our US DEA head.. That is to say as knowledgeable as a carrot or pile of old porn magazines..
I watched most of it until she said how all drugs, no matter what they are warp the mind of the user.. drugar ar drugar... :( Then i turned it off in disgust.,,
The Dutch are COMPLETELY right about separating soft and hard drugar.. coffee is different than codeine.. cigarettes are different than plutonium.. lol.. object a does not always equal object b people!
wow........not often you see a british politician being the sane reasonable one in a drugs debate :p
i couldnt help noticing the swedish chick was from the christian democratic party, same brand as the party in the netherlands who want to introduce the pass law. why is it that political parties with the word "democrat" in them always seem to be so bloody fascist????


bud bootlegger
wow........not often you see a british politician being the sane reasonable one in a drugs debate :p
i couldnt help noticing the swedish chick was from the christian democratic party, same brand as the party in the netherlands who want to introduce the pass law. why is it that political parties with the word "democrat" in them always seem to be so bloody fascist????
oh yah, it's the word democrat and not christian that is the devil here, you're so right...:wall:


Well-Known Member
I like how the Swedish woman is a member of the "Christian Democrats"

That's an oxymoron lol

She's stupid.