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  1. phyer

    My First Grow ever!!

    ^^ Don't listen to this debbie downer, growing aint a contest like he makes it out to be. They look great for a first time grow, I hope you learned a lot and can make next years even better. Try using a better soil and giving them more sunlight and you may be able to multiply your yield ten fold.
  2. phyer

    Silver! Who Is On This Train?

    The fact that is illegal artificially pumps up the price. Do you really think that weed would sell for $20 a gram if anyone could grow it in their backyard or walk down to the corner store and buy some.
  3. phyer

    Silver! Who Is On This Train?

    I probably would have sold it @ $48 if I was trading it at that point. Mind sharing with us why you think silver is shit? I have made a 34% gain on my money in the last month or two which beats most blue chip or other investment vehicles by a wide margin. Repeating its shit over and over without...
  4. phyer

    Silver! Who Is On This Train?

    If this apocalypse scenario you talk of did happen, I seriously doubt you would be able to sustain an indoor grow of more than 1 or 2 plants. Unless your investing 6 figures into solar, the electricity you get would not be enough to keep lights like that running 24/7. So basically all that money...
  5. phyer

    Silver! Who Is On This Train?

    Hell yea, a nice spike looks likely with Bernanke giving hints at more Q.E. in his speech last friday. Silver looking gooooood baby.
  6. phyer

    Outdoor grow.

    Hell yea brotha. Marijuana really is a resilient plant and can take a beating. I would keep a sharp eye on that sour P though, make sure those asshats don't come back.
  7. phyer

    Silver! Who Is On This Train?

    I am staying with silver because in times of economic turmoil silver is a good hedge against inflation. Whether it be the euro collapsing or the recession turning into a depression, you must admit that silver has its uses in a portfolio. I keep a few thousand in physical silver just in case and...
  8. phyer

    Silver! Who Is On This Train?

    If you had invested $5000 in silver 8 years ago, you would now have $42,500. Where are you getting a few hundred dollars from? Someone a little pissed they didn't get on the train in time?
  9. phyer

    Anyone in their 20's have a good full time job?

    ^^Just curious, what do you do for work?
  10. phyer

    How come no outrage over private prisons?

    On the other hand,he does help fill the spots left by immigrants, with victims of the drug war he so eagerly supports.
  11. phyer

    What questions would you like to see asked in the debates?

    ah theres so many... Do you believe that the NDAA is consitutional and why do you believe that? The federal reserve gave out $14,000,000,000,000 to major banks including including several not operating in the U.S. Do you think that this bailout served the interests and well being of the...
  12. phyer

    How come no outrage over private prisons?

    Yes, he is. I agree completely.
  13. phyer

    How come no outrage over private prisons?

    Come again? 50% incarceration rate? You realize how ridiculous that sounds right? Its less than 1%. Anyway, yes private prisons are a huge societal problem. The positive of them saving the taxpayers money is by far...
  14. phyer

    Stock Pick BBDA & HIMR today was good, finished strong, IMO i see growth tomorrow

    Yea, I think BBDA is not just your average pump and dump. I see huge potential, I mean how many penny stocks have products being sold at walmart...That being said, long term its still got some proving to do. Between .02 and .04 will be the real test. Mind if I ask when you bought into bbda and...
  15. phyer

    The false left/right paradigm

    My overall point was that this country is headed for economic depression and the differences between the two candidates will be irrelevent in the grand scheme of things after that beings to happen. But since you ignored that point I guess we can talk about the lesser of two evils. Bush was...
  16. phyer

    The false left/right paradigm

    Voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil. It doesn't matter who you vote for because our country is screwed economically and when that happens all the minor issues that seperate the right and the left will literally be irrelevant. The left wont be able to pay for social...
  17. phyer

    work from home

    Day trading. You have to have money to start but with some good research and a lot of luck you can make much more than you need to live on.
  18. phyer

    phyer's first outdoor grow 2012

    So this is my first real outdoor grow. Soil mix of potting soil, perlite, guano, bone meal and dolomite lime. 3 of them in 5 gallon pots and 1 in 25 gallon smartpot. Seeds are an outdoor mix from attitude, I forget exactly what strains... Any thoughts/feedback/criticism welcome :-P Here they...
  19. phyer

    so it's mitt romney and paul ryan

    Shark Bait is right. We need a real option. Choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil. Obama is just as bad as Bush IMO. I love my country but it needs major reforms. Obama assassinated a 16 year old US civilian without trial. This alone should get him impeached. Add on top of...
  20. phyer

    medical marijuana stock

    These are the mmj stocks I have on my watchlist. CBIS FSPM COIN GRNH MJNA MWIP PHOT SFIO RMFK Only one I am currently holding is rfmk with around $400. All of them are pretty risky but can def give out some huge returns if you get lucky.