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  1. P

    400watt heat

    How much heat is a 400 watt gonna produce and would a regular air vent help reduce the heat any ideas?' Would it be a problem
  2. P

    Reggie plant under 24h Of light?

    So what would happen if my reggie plant gets no rest and straight growth from a 600 bOlt ?24 hours straight Can it get danky?or yield more then the avrege? Tips.etc'
  3. P

    help me grow my first plant please!!!!!

    Im a newbie also i have one middie plant that i renember smoking with yellowish hairs found a seed and decided to grow.. just give it water in the morning and On the night ,, also try not to pay as much as attention to your plant
  4. P

    Help with a reggie plant

    Thank's for the tip
  5. P

    Help with a reggie plant

    So im new to growing and new to this ish I have this little plant and i relly wanted to bud fast any ideas?' its sun grOwn on a pot out side my window