help me grow my first plant please!!!!!

Im a newbie also i have one middie plant that i renember smoking with yellowish hairs found a seed and decided to grow.. just give it water in the morning and On the night ,, also try not to pay as much as attention to your plant


Well-Known Member
Here's all you need to know. Anything else you can ask for more, or search. Put it outside for starters. Like another poster said it's getting so tall so fast, because it's lacking light. It's stretching for light and "stretching" isn't good.

Put it outside all day to give it light.
When you can/when it gets bigger put it in a bigger pot.
Don't water it to much. You can tell when it needs to be watered by the weight of the pot. If it's heavy you probably just watered it. If it's light it probably needs water. You can also look at the soil. If it's dry on top dig down a little bit, and see if the rest is dry. You get a feeling for when it needs to be watered. If you watered it and the leaves are drooping you're over watering. If you haven't watered it in a while and the leaves are droopy it needs water.

You add nitrogen by buying fertilizer from a store. You don't want to add nitrogen when the plant starts budding. That's about as basic as I can get. If your leaves turn yellow then you have a problem of some kind. Wether it needs nutrients, a bigger pot, more sun, or something else is hard to tell on your own unless you know a lot about it.


Active Member
get lamps. start with cheap cfl. spend 40bucks at the depot and you can get enough lighting to work through the whole thing for the first then you should learn enough to know how to up grade lighting if you choose...Jorge Cervantes Ultimate grow DVDs...they are on you-tube. spend a couple hours watching that, and your basic questions will be answered, and many questions too advanced for you. Then come to forums to discuss...its called reading, top to bottom, left to right, string of words forms a sentence. try it sometime, knowledge will be like getting high for the first time :spew:

Well-Known Member
ok so i picked up a a sack of sum regular 5 dollar a gram weed and took a seed to start my first plant. its decent reggie but i want to make sure im doing this right. my friend told me to put it in a bottle of water and wait til it dropped den wait til i see a tiny sprout. i did all this and put it in the dirt. now its about a week old and is pretty damn tall. its growing an half inch to an inch a day. two leaves are marijuanaa leaves and the other two are regular lookin leaves. i think im watering it right cuz its not droopy and im leaving it in my windowsill for sunlight cuz i want to do it as natural as possible. i use bottled water for watering. any help would be appreciated cuz i dont wanna kill my first attempt at hella free weed. also how much should a mature plant produce, and how long should it take to bud, and how do i dry it and flush it out? like i said im a begginner and need help
use the websites that are about cultivating high quality marijuana. For all you know those seeds could potentially be really high quality, but they were grown poorly. read a lot, get a bunch on info into your brain about growing. And you could get maybe an oz or two with proper care. Maybe more if you do it well (doubt you'll get more than that your first run ahaha).

hope this link helps, it has every question and every answer to any question you might have in your mind!


I did two or three days of straight research and writing shit down, i'm a first year grower also.. and i think its pretty easy after the first plant, and when its passed like 2.5 weeks old it gets nothing but easier to take care of! Happy Growing Bretha