Here's all you need to know. Anything else you can ask for more, or search. Put it outside for starters. Like another poster said it's getting so tall so fast, because it's lacking light. It's stretching for light and "stretching" isn't good.
Put it outside all day to give it light.
When you can/when it gets bigger put it in a bigger pot.
Don't water it to much. You can tell when it needs to be watered by the weight of the pot. If it's heavy you probably just watered it. If it's light it probably needs water. You can also look at the soil. If it's dry on top dig down a little bit, and see if the rest is dry. You get a feeling for when it needs to be watered. If you watered it and the leaves are drooping you're over watering. If you haven't watered it in a while and the leaves are droopy it needs water.
You add nitrogen by buying fertilizer from a store. You don't want to add nitrogen when the plant starts budding. That's about as basic as I can get. If your leaves turn yellow then you have a problem of some kind. Wether it needs nutrients, a bigger pot, more sun, or something else is hard to tell on your own unless you know a lot about it.