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  1. walleyeslayer

    Yellow spots on leaves, please HELP

    thanks for the info, grow on brother
  2. walleyeslayer

    Yellow spots on leaves, please HELP

    Ok this is my pics, the first three are two weeks ago, last two are today. don't know what's wrong. ph between 6.7 and 7. no nutes as of yet. 400 watt hps at 25 inches, room temp around 75 degrees, 39% humidity. it's on three out of five plants and i think the others are starting to get it. they...
  3. walleyeslayer

    Yellow spots on leaves, please HELP

    400w hps my room is 2x4x8
  4. walleyeslayer

    Yellow spots on leaves, please HELP

    once again thanks for all advice. Also i raised my lights from 24in to 36 here is the pics i have but they suck
  5. walleyeslayer

    Yellow spots on leaves, please HELP

    i have used no nuts not the best soil scotts moisture controll.Checked ph today and it ranged from 6.8 to 7.
  6. walleyeslayer

    Yellow spots on leaves, please HELP

    I'm freakin out! My three and a half week old plants that I thought were doing just fine, today just noticed yellow spots on three of the five plants. There are dark spots in the yellow areas. Please help! Newbie! It is in soil in a 3 gallon bucket. Is the problem water? I'm buying a ph tester...
  7. walleyeslayer

    NewBie using Scrog

    My space is 3x2x4 using scrog method with 400w hps how many plants would yall use?From what i have read you can expect to get from 1-2.5 oz per sq ft.Will one plant be enough or what?Because my guess is that less plants less maintance.Thanks for any help!
  8. walleyeslayer

    First timer

    Me again I think i am going to use scrog method.Question in a 2x3x4ft space how many plants should i use? I just read with 400w hps you could expect 1-2.5 ozs per sq ft.Can you get 1 plant to do this?because with limited space 1 plant would be easier to mantain. Dont know any help would be...
  9. walleyeslayer

    First timer

    thanks guys i will get the 400w hps. next question? i have read that you need to keep the hps lights about 1 foot away from plants.Is this right? If so with 4' of hight minus 12" for lights my plants can only be 3' tall .What typs would yall recommed. Once again thanks for your help
  10. walleyeslayer

    First timer

    the reason i didnt want to use hps is its going to be in my attic. So i already have heat issues. Thought it would be easier to cool with cfls.What about bigger wattage cfls? So that you dont have so many lights. Thanks of all advice.
  11. walleyeslayer

    First timer

    i am new to this and not very wise.I am going to have a 2x3x4 grow room do to room restrictons.My question is how much cfls do i need for 5 plants in this room. Thanks for any help