First timer

i am new to this and not very wise.I am going to have a 2x3x4 grow room do to room restrictons.My question is how much cfls do i need for 5 plants in this room. Thanks for any help


Well-Known Member
Enough that it would be worth it to invest in a 400w HPS instead...

But you answer your question, I'd say about 25 would do ya right, could probably pull it off with 16-20. Keep in mind, 25 CFL's drawing 23w watts each is still 575watts. Hell, even 16 bulbs is close to 400w actual. And CFL's still throw off a decent amount of heat when you get them into the higher numbers. Good Luck!
the reason i didnt want to use hps is its going to be in my attic. So i already have heat issues. Thought it would be easier to cool with cfls.What about bigger wattage cfls? So that you dont have so many lights. Thanks of all advice.


Well-Known Member
the reason i didnt want to use hps is its going to be in my attic. So i already have heat issues. Thought it would be easier to cool with cfls.What about bigger wattage cfls? So that you dont have so many lights. Thanks of all advice.
You don't say where you live. Regardless you are going to have heat and fresh air flow issues you should address from the start. Or you will be on here later singing the blues. You must - repeat must - bring in fresh air for an exchange ever blank number of minutes. Hell I don't know. But light is just one part of a basic equation. And you have to get that same air, once used, back out. So you might as well cool it when you do, eh? Listen to the cat above and spring for HPS. One single digital ballast HPS 400-600 watts will give you far superior product for less wattage with less heat generated. Cheap carbon filter for that small a grow for exhaust air, dryer vent hose cooled hood with fresh air in from whatever is your coolest source in hot weather. Cheap inline fan to move it along. Easy money and cheap.


Well-Known Member
You will spend to much on CFL's and cords. Just get a T5. 2 foot 6 bulb. Better buds then cfl and 1 plug. And about the same price.
thanks guys i will get the 400w hps. next question? i have read that you need to keep the hps lights about 1 foot away from plants.Is this right? If so with 4' of hight minus 12" for lights my plants can only be 3' tall .What typs would yall recommed. Once again thanks for your help


Well-Known Member
Me again I think i am going to use scrog method.Question in a 2x3x4ft space how many plants should i use? I just read with 400w hps you could expect 1-2.5 ozs per sq ft.Can you get 1 plant to do this?because with limited space 1 plant would be easier to mantain. Dont know any help would be helpful.Dont mean to be pain in ass,but dont know if you dont ask.THANKS