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  1. L

    only going down hill.... HELP

    Thank you for your reply. I have cal mag and will lightly use it. I will keep posted about the plant.
  2. L

    only going down hill.... HELP

    It has gotten worse since last night. The first two fan leaves are staring to die.... I definately have to balance their ph levels. Thank you for the hel!
  3. L

    only going down hill.... HELP

    It was in a 1.5L x1W x2.5H box with two cfls. now its in a 3x2x1.5 tray that with the t5s sitting on the lid.
  4. L

    only going down hill.... HELP

    Hello RIU i have changed my setup and my plant seems to be doing worse... I put a small fan on it under a t5 and transplanted it into foxfarm ocean soil. I have been using RO water but have yet to moniter the ph. the light is about 4-6 inches away from the plant. Any advice will be greatly...
  5. L

    Air Compressor as a Vacuum pump?

    Hey RUI I want to start making extracts but all i have is 2 air compressors. From what i have read people have been using the intake as the vacuum. The compressor i have are and...
  6. L

    First grow!! Need ADVICE

    you clearly are being negative with your post. As i previously stated i have been a member for a year and have read all sort of methods to grow. I currently plan to take a cutting off this starter when it is ready and put it in a dwc system. I plan on getting a 600w hps for flower but currently...
  7. L

    First grow!! Need ADVICE

    Thank you all for the quick replies. Greatly appreciated.
  8. L

    First grow!! Need ADVICE

    I havent been giving it any nutes and the only reason the soil is that wet is because i woke up and did a little water and took a picture. Thank you. I have been a member for a year and read a lot of forums about growing. The box is shut but light still escapes. It is just a diaper box that i...
  9. L

    First grow!! Need ADVICE

    This is my first grow. Everything has been going good since i planted the seed in soil last weekend. My only concern is the leaves are curling and twisting a little. I have looked into it and from what ive read it would maybe be the heat/ moisture in the box it is in. I have only turned off the...
  10. L

    1st time grower, grow room set up.

    For my exhaust I was planning on a 200cfm inline and only have it running while the lights where on to keep the air temp down. when its in it's dark cycle do you think 2 small fans will be enough? and when there is less pressure will air leak out and smell if its a hepa filter for the intake...
  11. L

    1st time grower, grow room set up.

    hey everybody im new to this site and growing medical marijuana, but i have to been snooping around and reading a ton of stuff and growing tips and grow room set up. I havent yet grown my first plant but i am really eager to. I am planning on buying supplies online from...