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    co2 questions

    Once you add the Co2 turn the heat up and watch them grow. Scrog produces huge yields from what I know im building a new op in the next month and definitely want to use the scrog technique and the Co2 controllers and goodies.
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    Total Wattage, Techniques & Grams Produce

    I'm going to take your advice on the buckets because I need it to be low maintenance as possible. Only other issue I have is how to build multiple aeroponic/fogger/DWC system in buckets as a complete system with one main res or maybe 4 plants per res? With a 12x10 flowering room I'm banking...
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    Highest Yielding Indoor Strains

    Thats friggin awesome!!! 2 & 1/2 lbs a plant?? U must be heavy on the Co2? 1500-1600 ppms?
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    Total Wattage, Techniques & Grams Produce

    Or maybe I should used buckets instead of totes.....
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    Total Wattage, Techniques & Grams Produce

    Im actually trying to use the 25 gallon Sterilite totes with a aeroponic/fogger/DWC system..... Do you think that'll work with 6 plants each tote?
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    Total Wattage, Techniques & Grams Produce

    Thanks!!! SCROG maybe the perfect technique!! I really like this idea limited space for maximum grow of the whole plant. And its just super awesome to see the plants take a V shape and produce huge colas from even the bottom of the plant. Only problem I see is transplanting, the grow site...
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    Total Wattage, Techniques & Grams Produce

    Good deal. You seem happy with SoG..... May consider this technique my 1st go round to see what better suits my situation. Im looking into Aeroponic/Fogger/DWC hybrid system for my flowering room @ 3600 Watts/8x6= 48 sq ft, would make 75 watts per sq ft which should be perfect since the flower...
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    co2 questions

    Mini CO2 Generators don't look so bad...... Might even consider that over a CO2 tank. Though I wouldnt to want add no extra excessive wattage to the grow op. I just looked up one for $279.99 @ Might be a great...
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    co2 questions

    Im sure it'll last way beyond that depending on the CO2 schedule you put them on. NOTE: This all will be useless with out turning up the watts per square foot and the grow op temp! HAPPY GROWING
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    co2 questions

    The controller is probably the most important part of a CO2 setup. I've heard of 20lbs CO2 tanks lasting 6-8 WEEKS with a controller. Oh and nothing cheap is worth having when it comes to technology. Just stretch your budget and rep the rewards later. I'm going to purchase a CO2 controller...
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    co2 questions

    From my research CO2 generators are for larger grow ops 10x10 and bigger. That's why choosing an CO2 injection kit is optimal for your grow space with a CO2 Controller/Monitor. 500 ppms is low for flowering try using a controller and set it to 1500ppms. Which will bring the room to your desired...
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    Total Wattage, Techniques & Grams Produce

    Thanks! I've also considered SOG and doing a lot of topping & super cropping into some lollipop, to produce huge top colas. Though, I think this method is sufficient the yield is under par. Even harvesting every 2 weeks is a bit of work. I want huge (4-6ft) low stressed plants with minimum...
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    Aeroponic/ Fogger/ DWC Hybrid System

    Maybe I should completely separate the rooms. Im at a dilemma.... Ugh
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    Aeroponic/ Fogger/ DWC Hybrid System

    After tons of research.... I think the aeroponic fogger dwc system is the one for my grow site. These are my grow op blueprint... Veggie Room (8x3) 2-DL Luxstar 8 Grow Phase 4' T5 Fluorescent Lights 2-2ft Planter Tray & Table Drip Feed Hydroponic System (Clones-2nd week) 6-10 GL...
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    Total Wattage, Techniques & Grams Produce

    I've done substantial amount of reading, now I'm looking for real time advice with an experienced grower. Trial and error is always a factor but proven strategies and recorded efforts says a lot about what's best and what's not. So my questions still stand...... Who can help me and not redirect me?
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    Drawing attention through electricity consumption

    I was actually thinking of getting two different meters keep one on for 21 days and swap it out with the original on the 22nd day. For the rest of the month and pay for that meter reading which will be of course lower and the correct meter for the residence. $400-500 lights bills are ridiculous...
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    Total Wattage, Techniques & Grams Produce

    What are you guys total wattage that you use in your grow op and what are the yields? I'm curious to know you guys techniques, what kind of growing system your using, and the quality of the bud produce. I'm just going keep in mind some of you guys ideas and pretty much hybrid my new grow op...
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    Is 3600 watts too much?..... Ideas, concerns, suggestions, etc.

    Is your flower room separate from your veggie room? Is your room CO2 induced with a controller? The reason for such a high wattage is because the CO2 makes the plant intakes twice as much nutrients and works twice as hard. (At least that's what i read) Im just trying to see this theory proved...
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    Is 3600 watts too much?..... Ideas, concerns, suggestions, etc.

    I read that 75 to 100 watts per sq ft is the base for an co2 enriched grow space. Just need some advice on the subject. Cooling the space mayb the biggest issue. An yes if was going with 3 1000w hps plus 1 600w hps. This is all for my flowering room though.
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    Is 3600 watts too much?..... Ideas, concerns, suggestions, etc.

    Is 3600 watts too much for a 6x6 Aeroponic Co2 induced @ 1500 ppms grow op? 100 watts per square foot....