Total Wattage, Techniques & Grams Produce


What are you guys total wattage that you use in your grow op and what are the yields? I'm curious to know you guys techniques, what kind of growing system your using, and the quality of the bud produce.

I'm just going keep in mind some of you guys ideas and pretty much hybrid my new grow op. I'm about to construct a totally brand new diy grow op and money is no concern for the space (8x6 or 6x6 Flower/8x3 or 6x3 Veggie) i'm going to use. I'm just trying to produce the highest quality bud that anyone else can at a nice quantity. Thanks in advance!


Do what I did, read a lot . Then when you think you know everything read a lot more. There are just to many variables for such a question. But most of it can be found with practice and the knowledge on this site and others like it.


Do what I did, read a lot . Then when you think you know everything read a lot more. There are just to many variables for such a question. But most of it can be found with practice and the knowledge on this site and others like it.
I've done substantial amount of reading, now I'm looking for real time advice with an experienced grower. Trial and error is always a factor but proven strategies and recorded efforts says a lot about what's best and what's not. So my questions still stand...... Who can help me and not redirect me?


Active Member
use hps lights, good soil, get pH meters, temp meters, portable a/c unit, good water, good nutrients, and hang around in the problems section


I used to be excited to grab a 1/2 lb of a 600w light at first with long veg times and 8 week full harvests .

ideal setup for me is multiple light points covering more space efficiently in a SoG to harvest that yeilds 10-12 oz every 2 weeks as it stands off 2400w I have had a few random fluke cycles i call them that I got massive unknown as to why and unable to duplicate yeilds of 16-20oz in a 2 week block.

all running on the same rez and timers as the 4 other groups running along it.

indoor growing is hard to penetrate beyond most canopys even with 1000w lights so a lot of wasted lolipopping stress( wasted veg time and wasted efforts on lower sites tend to be common.

I get no small buds that people dont want....I take less overall risk with less eggs being placed in 1 basket ....... and fresh bud every 2 weeks makes life quite pleasant.... cant you see the smile on my face in my avatar? thats how I live..... and I stay within my states medical limits just incase...... however law enforcement is taking on less of these risky home invasion "is he or isant he following the rules" visit based on some intel.


I used to be excited to grab a 1/2 lb of a 600w light at first with long veg times and 8 week full harvests .

ideal setup for me is multiple light points covering more space efficiently in a SoG to harvest that yeilds 10-12 oz every 2 weeks as it stands off 2400w I have had a few random fluke cycles i call them that I got massive unknown as to why and unable to duplicate yeilds of 16-20oz in a 2 week block.

all running on the same rez and timers as the 4 other groups running along it.

indoor growing is hard to penetrate beyond most canopys even with 1000w lights so a lot of wasted lolipopping stress( wasted veg time and wasted efforts on lower sites tend to be common.

I get no small buds that people dont want....I take less overall risk with less eggs being placed in 1 basket ....... and fresh bud every 2 weeks makes life quite pleasant.... cant you see the smile on my face in my avatar? thats how I live..... and I stay within my states medical limits just incase...... however law enforcement is taking on less of these risky home invasion "is he or isant he following the rules" visit based on some intel.
Thanks! I've also considered SOG and doing a lot of topping & super cropping into some lollipop, to produce huge top colas. Though, I think this method is sufficient the yield is under par. Even harvesting every 2 weeks is a bit of work. I want huge (4-6ft) low stressed plants with minimum lollipop.... Actually was thinking about plugging up a 4' T5 8 bulb Warm Fluorescent Light to treat the sides and bottom of the plant. Hoping to see anywhere from a 1/2 lb to 1 lb per plant. With a month or 2 between harvests. :leaf:


the only work I can remember really is the initial setup of the SoG then it becomes low maitainence in that all you do is clone ever other friday...... and I dont consider harvest time anything less then a joy so thats not work.....with a 48 pot in place and all lines layed my multi-flow has interchangeable buckets making for some really easy rotations... It has alot to do with your choice of setup honestly .........

I did run long veg times.....and big harvests ..... then I got efficient...... this is my living so doing it right is essential to me...... I still learn new stuff everyday from forums and videos ... you can call me obsessed with the marijuana plant


the only work I can remember really is the initial setup of the SoG then it becomes low maitainence in that all you do is clone ever other friday...... and I dont consider harvest time anything less then a joy so thats not work.....with a 48 pot in place and all lines layed my multi-flow has interchangeable buckets making for some really easy rotations... It has alot to do with your choice of setup honestly .........

I did run long veg times.....and big harvests ..... then I got efficient...... this is my living so doing it right is essential to me...... I still learn new stuff everyday from forums and videos ... you can call me obsessed with the marijuana plant
Good deal. You seem happy with SoG..... May consider this technique my 1st go round to see what better suits my situation. Im looking into Aeroponic/Fogger/DWC hybrid system for my flowering room @ 3600 Watts/8x6= 48 sq ft, would make 75 watts per sq ft which should be perfect since the flower will be Co2 induced at 1500ppm. I'm hoping to get 18 to 36 plants in this grow space. Just dont know what technique I want to use.


go with the sog or scrog.
Thanks!!! SCROG maybe the perfect technique!! I really like this idea limited space for maximum grow of the whole plant. And its just super awesome to see the plants take a V shape and produce huge colas from even the bottom of the plant. Only problem I see is transplanting, the
grow site pretty much looks stationary. Which isn't all that bad I just like the thought of being able to throw a couple of different techniques in the flowering stage at once. Thought it does look like i couple throw some SOG in the same closet with the SCROG. Doesnt seem like a bad idea


Well-Known Member
just start in a big pot..3gal,5 gal seeing that is the only issue with scrog. lol ive thought about it too lol half sog half it up!!


just start in a big pot..3gal,5 gal seeing that is the only issue with scrog. lol ive thought about it too lol half sog half it up!!
Im actually trying to use the 25 gallon Sterilite totes with a aeroponic/fogger/DWC system..... Do you think that'll work with 6 plants each tote?


New Member
Use buckets, totes are a super pain in the ass. Also, a 25 gallon tote is going to weigh 160+ pounds, bulge out like a motherfucker, be a chore to change the nute mix, and a bitch to maintain. There are a lot of other bad points to a tote vs buckets like root competition and other shit. Want to do multiple strains in a sterilite tote? Nope.


Use buckets, totes are a super pain in the ass. Also, a 25 gallon tote is going to weigh 160+ pounds, bulge out like a motherfucker, be a chore to change the nute mix, and a bitch to maintain. There are a lot of other bad points to a tote vs buckets like root competition and other shit. Want to do multiple strains in a sterilite tote? Nope.
I'm going to take your advice on the buckets because I need it to be low maintenance as possible. Only other issue I have is how to build multiple aeroponic/fogger/DWC system in buckets as a complete system with one main res or maybe 4 plants per res? With a 12x10 flowering room I'm banking getting at the least of 18-24 plants in there with the 5 GL buckets. Which is half of what I would have versus the totes. Being that it is essential to let plants thrive in their own bucket has a lot of +s. Plus I was planning on SCROG anyway so that maybe a huge plus.
