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  1. M

    Can some one teach me how to make my own green house

    Thank you guys so much, will be constructing one A.S.A.P. mainly for rainy days. Last year I just brought the plants inside during the rain and I think that was a big mistake, I think that is how a couple of them pick up spider mites. I guess it's not good to bring an outdoor plant inside big...
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    Can some one teach me how to make my own green house

    SO, I have looked every where and have no clue what kind of material to buy in order to make my own green house. I have looked so many places and have not even found any good advice on how to make a green house. Could any one maybe share with me the technique behind making a simple rectangle...
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    So whats your guess on this.. take a shot.

    so very sorry for the late reply have been busy.. thanks for the info and your veiws to this subject matter, much appreciated.
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    So whats your guess on this.. take a shot.

    If a seed breeder says that one of there plants would be ready for harvest in the middle of September, and you did not want a big plant because you only wanted to veg for one month and a half and flower for one month and a half up to two months, and your were located in the northern hemisphere...
  5. M

    Any ideas how I can grow a photo-period outdoors so it acts like an Autoflower?

    Sweet thanks so much I really needed confirmation I heard of this technique just was not sure. is it the Autumnal Equinox? or the summer solstice?
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    Any ideas how I can grow a photo-period outdoors so it acts like an Autoflower?

    So I am in California and I know there is a way to grow an photo period just like an auto flower you just have to plant it late in the year, but I am not sure if this will actually work. I know that I can just cover them with a tarp and induce flowering but there is just to much involved and a...
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    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Howz bout this girl..? Do she look ready to be put into 24hr darkness yet?
  8. M

    Royal Queen Seeds Northern Lights Auto...KEEP AWAY

    I am currently growing Royal Queens Northern lights now outside in soil and I am absolutely loving the results so far, nice big resin coated plants that smell dank as hell, can not wait to smoke this medicine. I Plan on harvesting all five of my girls that only took 36 hrs to germinate and...
  9. M

    has anyone ordered from hippyseeds

    I Second that. :lol::lol::-P:-P:lol::lol:
  10. M

    has anyone ordered from hippyseeds

    Soon I bet, It will more than likely be there this week, I blame the delay mainly on the London Games. I mean if I were a bean proprietor, I would wait until the games were over before sending anything in the mail internationally. :dunce: Peace Cali love
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    has anyone ordered from hippyseeds

    I have absolutely nothing but respect for I received my order on Friday, I have been at the hospital and have not had the time to write a review. I was super apprehensive at first after placing my order, but I must say, not only is the owner super f''ing cool and down to earth...
  12. M

    has anyone ordered from hippyseeds

    Nice, I order a 3 pack of auto northern lights blue. Time will tell if they arrive and so will I. I Will post a Full detail report upon arrival of the seeds...
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    has anyone ordered from hippyseeds

    Curious I am my fellow green thumbs. Has any one ordered from this place before, If so please if possible give your opinions good and bad, I would really like to hear them.
  14. M

    Wa - Sup Every 1 Question?

    Thanks Sooo much for the reply, I just tried again after reading your post and all is good. Strange it just freak me out... I place an order than mysteriously I have no ability to open the site. Just freak me out. But I can not wait to get started thanks again. Will post pics along with my...
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    Wa - Sup Every 1 Question?

    Wa - sup every 1. My name is Mr Canibinois and I am a novice:clap::shock::clap:. I plan on attempting my first grow and had a question. I plan on growing in soil, outside in good old mother nature. Where I live, I am super late for the grow season and convinced myself the only way to complete...