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    got cought growing

    just 5 plants
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    got cought growing

    i think its under 10 for personal use and if they have reason to believe you have intent to supply then jail Ive been told if i do it again ill get taking to caught and fined or community service
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    got cought growing

    last pics before taken
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    got cought growing

    ill just leave it.liked seeing them grow as well shame
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    got cought growing

    yes i am english
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    got cought growing

    saw warrant as-well
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    got cought growing

    a lad was known to come to my house and he hit his dad and ran away from foster careers which led them to believe he might be at my house
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    got cought growing

    united kingdom
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    got cought growing

    how long till i can grow again ??? been bout month since i got caught with 5 nd they give me a warning for first time ever offense because they were looking for some one and i answered the Dore when i let my guard down they were looking for runaway nd had warrant to look for missing/runaway...
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    out of control buds chronic

    all of these pics are on day 39
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    out of control buds chronic

    5 chronic cuttings vegged for over 2 month and another 6 which are at day 46 handling the weight fine but am at day 39 with 5 others and in the last week bud growth is mad and branches can not handle weight need tips tips the weight is mad and the plant size are mad never grown so bushy.
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    any 1 got expierence with chronic

    were there yields good or bad and on average how long was the flowering times as am at end of 4th week and there no density in the buds and if they nead a 10 12 week flowering should i pk bit later as well . in pic three they are cheese and have been in the same time and a lot denser
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    how long for flowering 2nd grow

    i have 5 chronic and 1 cheese am at nearly 5 weeks in the cheese is coming along fine but the other chronic is coming along slowly as buds are bout as thick as my finger if a bit fatter for a few could the chronic be long flowering am i fussing over nothing am going to pk the cheese but don't...
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    first scrog keep net or take off

    i have my first scrog net and was thinking of just removing net and letting grow out by it self as think the net is blocking some of the light which could penetrate the canopy. any suggestions ? / 6 days into flower chronic cuttings
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    no water and light stress problem

    I've been vegging 5 chronic for 2 and a half month and missed a feed so 3 4 days since i last watered and my plants look like they have series light stress as the the tops of the plants have curled under and a few tops have started going yellow as well / and i wanted to put them in to flower but...
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    reusing LIGHT MIX soil for big scrog plants / indoor grow

    on my vegging plants. Witch are in 5 gallon pots.I was thinking of putting 2 scrog plants in 20 gal pot each and have used soil rooted up i was thinking of flushing and taking dead roots out and have heard that CANNAZYM WHICH DISSOLVES DEAD ROOTS am i right that it will be ok for the other...
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    600 hps ballast broke

    have tried with less of a load aswell
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    600 hps ballast broke

    but i have others running and no problem
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    600 hps ballast broke

    is there a fix / keeps tripping electricity changed fuse no effect
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    help scrogging chronic cuttings

    this will be first time scrogging have a few good candidates month into veg will be vegging at least another month this will be my second grow will be trying 1 scrog plant and how long veg does a scrog plant normal need in veg they are in 5 gallon pots it is a soiles mix grow i have 400 hps for...