600 hps ballast broke


Well-Known Member
if its tripping your electrical breaker its not the ballast.

fix is a dedicated 20 amp breaker or try and run from a breaker with less of a load on it, a 600w hid shouldnt trip a breaker alone. when the breaker trips what else in the house goes out?


Active Member
hopefully theres a warranty or something but maybe the ballast's just old or defective , did you just get it? from online?


Active Member
I just had a lumatek 600 go out on me AGAIN! But this was from my woman. I told her to shut veg tent off by pulling plug and she went in the tent and pulled plug right outta light so ballast was still running just had no where to dispurst the electricity so it fried. Luckily lumatek has a great warranty for a shitty product lol
I'm guessing ur using 120 not 240... Do u have gfi breakers on ur outlets? (most by source of water I.e kitchen, bathroom laundry room.) it's those ones with the 2 buttons and should have a lil red or green light on. If u do try resetting those. They get set off with blow dryers and vacuumed and blenders pretty easily.